Archive for October, 2019

Oliveira Vianna

Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Breaking itself of these estimated still, if it obtains to stipulate ways that direct the evolution of the development for the way objectifying to perpetuate this dynamics. Carrying through a hypothetical dialogue between authors, first boarded and Nunes, it is possible to only determine that this is only corroborating with the teorizaes of the first ones, concluding that when elapsing of the time what was seen was only the institutionalization of the concepts of the here boarded subject, society and spirit of clans. An example clearly of this fact, as affirms the proper Nunes is of that in the period after war, in years 50, this process incited, it says that: ' ' to dribble the parties was the main formula used for the desenvolvimentistas elites. After the redemocratizao, public officers pro-development had faced an established partisan system in the clientelismo and a bureaucracy that pparently had resisted successfully the universalistas efforts of reforma.' ' (Nunes, 3. ed. 2003, P.

97). finally Nunes in the conclusion of its? The grammar Politics of Brazil? , it summarizes what it would be the sequencia of the process of Brazilian social formation, making possible we to understand here boarded the sequncia thematic. It affirms that the consequncias of the development and from all the enclosed inflections in it, derive from the origin of its system of industrialization, that is, the question of origin of the Brazilian social formation is verified again. 4. CONCLUSION To the extreme optimism of Gilbert Freyre how much to the possibility of the constitution of Brazil in nation the pessimism of Oliveira Vianna is opposed frontalmente, pointing out in the action fort of the State the only possibility to surpass our negative points of origin. In the sequncia of these conclusions one interposes the theories of the new thinkers as, Ottman and Nunes, making practical new reference to the update of bringing the intrinsic ones the old characteristics, trying it the times to still get rid of them for the development and liberalism of action but bringing very evident the attempt to institutionalize and to legalize the processes of personalismo of the power.

Japanese Decade

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Introduction As it wrote the memorialista and plastic artist Tomoo Handa, one ' ' eddy of sentimentos' ' it took account of the Japanese immigrants and its descendants in Brazil during the decade of 1940. Feelings as nationalism, discrimination, anguish and unreliability had given the tone to the period. When the rising sun left to shine in world-wide geopolitics in August of 1945, its diffuse light served to feed the terror lived deeply for the Japanese immigrants in the postwar period. The flame of the hope alone would relight in the following decade. Watershed in the history of the Japanese in Brazil, the events of the World War II (1939-1945) had been silent deep in the Japanese soul consolidated here, finishing for strengthening in the mind of great part of the immigrants and its familiar roots of permanence. 1.

Decade of 1940: Shady times for the immigrants and descendants ' ' When the war to finish We want to live under ' ' hi-knot-maru' ' The politics of nationalistic and assimilacionista character during the Age Vargas (1930-1945) reached its height in beginning of the decade of 1940. The intolerante look stops with the foreigners. associated to the events of the war, in which Japan became, from 1942, ' ' country inimigo' ' of Brazil, they had been responsible for the moment where the Japanese colony consolidated here lived its more difficult moments. In the mind of many Japanese questionings they had appeared: Which social and cultural values would have to guide the way of life of great part of the immigrants and, mainly, of its descendants? The Japanese or the Brazilian? Added to these doubts, he had antiJapanese speech propagated by authorities, intellectuals and for the press, based on the myth of ' ' danger amarelo' '. Speech this, fed for esteretipos in which the Japanese were seen as ' ' inassimilveis' ' , ' ' imperialistas' ' ' ' traioeiros' '.