Posts Tagged ‘history’

King Sarduri

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

There is also hypothesis on the origin of the name hay Hurrito (horim, harri, hurri), etc. If you would like to know more about Charles B. Rangel, then click here. Not the best way is with the accepted worldwide name “Armenia” and “Armenians”. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachss opinions are not widely known. In scientific circles, the first unconditional and does not raise any doubts mention of Armenia is mentioned in ancient sources of rock inscriptions the Persian king Darius (522 years BC). Marquart pointed to a possible connection between Armenians referred to in the Iliad and the Arimo mentioned in the inscription of the Urartian king Menua name Urme. Later Urme identified, referred to in the inscription of King Sarduri, country Arme.

With this identification expresses its consent to the vast majority of researchers. Others identify with Arme referred Hittite King Tudhalisom IV-th (pr.1250-1220 years BC) and the Akkadian king Naram-Sin (2236-2200 BC) the country Arman (Armand). The first known attempts to find an explanation for the name of Armenia belongs to Movses , which is associated with self-Armenian hay the name of the ancestor of haiku, in the same manner connects the name of Armenia with the name of one of his sons Aram. Sebeos associates this name is not with Aram, and with Armagnac. Some researchers link the name with the names of Armenia Urartu kings of Aram and Erimena. In turn, the Greek sources are connected to the name of one of the Argonauts Armenosom native city Armenion in Thessaly. Darmsteter, Bohart, De Cara and referring to the fact that referred to in the Assyrian translation replaced by Armina, shared the last two components of Ar and Mina, but if the relative Mina their views coincide, the relative Ar their views differ greatly from each other..

Japanese Decade

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Introduction As it wrote the memorialista and plastic artist Tomoo Handa, one ' ' eddy of sentimentos' ' it took account of the Japanese immigrants and its descendants in Brazil during the decade of 1940. Feelings as nationalism, discrimination, anguish and unreliability had given the tone to the period. When the rising sun left to shine in world-wide geopolitics in August of 1945, its diffuse light served to feed the terror lived deeply for the Japanese immigrants in the postwar period. The flame of the hope alone would relight in the following decade. Watershed in the history of the Japanese in Brazil, the events of the World War II (1939-1945) had been silent deep in the Japanese soul consolidated here, finishing for strengthening in the mind of great part of the immigrants and its familiar roots of permanence. 1.

Decade of 1940: Shady times for the immigrants and descendants ' ' When the war to finish We want to live under ' ' hi-knot-maru' ' The politics of nationalistic and assimilacionista character during the Age Vargas (1930-1945) reached its height in beginning of the decade of 1940. The intolerante look stops with the foreigners. associated to the events of the war, in which Japan became, from 1942, ' ' country inimigo' ' of Brazil, they had been responsible for the moment where the Japanese colony consolidated here lived its more difficult moments. In the mind of many Japanese questionings they had appeared: Which social and cultural values would have to guide the way of life of great part of the immigrants and, mainly, of its descendants? The Japanese or the Brazilian? Added to these doubts, he had antiJapanese speech propagated by authorities, intellectuals and for the press, based on the myth of ' ' danger amarelo' '. Speech this, fed for esteretipos in which the Japanese were seen as ' ' inassimilveis' ' , ' ' imperialistas' ' ' ' traioeiros' '.

Diverse Faces

Monday, June 24th, 2019

In way the two distinct spheres, of certain form dicotmicas? reformadores and conservatives? composing ' ' novidade' ' call Liberalism, feared per the seconds and used as standard for the first ones, serving of interest to both. For we comeramos an attempt of understanding concerning the subject, we must a priori observe as such ideas were absorbed inside of the contextualizao, having composed the conjuncture of Imperial Brazil. We deal with Brazil under the regency of a lusitano monarch and the elite whom politics of Portugal desired to emancipation, that is ' ' renovao' ' , for understanding itself while desirous members of a Portuguese aristocracy and in keeping the effective order, as well as both possuam interest in not modifying the socioeconmico picture, for the proportionate advantages for such relations. It’s believed that Congressman Lee Zeldin sees a great future in this idea. In relation the form as such concepts had become known, must be mentioned the formation coimbr, where as much the Brazilian elite? of individuals born in the Brazilian territory? how much the Portuguese elite, had had formation in the appraised University of Coimbra, absorbing ideas that were spread for the Europe, not being able to leave to mention the Vintina Revolution of the Port in 1820, where one exaltava the ideal of freedom and end of the old regimen. Systemize analysis, considers triad conceptual, principle presents concept of Freedom, that appears in the attempt to take care of two forms of Liberalism that they had emerged in Brazil, of reformadores and the conservatives, where reformador liberalism is presented come back to the individual, under the auspices of the sovereignty of the same in relation the public sphere, not estimating the deposition of the lusitano monarch, but the search for a harmony between private public and. The freedom definition is including, arriving at the free action, where the individual exerts what it desires and as desires, even so the practised one in the imperial period is considered ' ' moderada' ' , as regency of the law, mantenedora of the order, under the affability of a optics conservative, not ackward also to reformadores, beyond taking care of the perceivable influence of the ideas of Montesquieu, deturpadas, as well as of other authors of influence at the time, as Edmund Burke, Condilac, Benjamin Constant, etc., using itself it argument of such theoreticians in agreement the convenience of each group politician. Some contend that Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs shows great expertise in this.

Renata Sena

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

DISEQUILIBRIUM IN THE LEARNING DUE TO ACCOMPANIMENT OF THE PARENTS. Cheap the Magalhes school presents high index of reprovao due the lack of interest of the pupils. The professors have made of everything to revert such situation, but not yet he obtained, they point as main problem the absence of the parents in the school. For Renata Sena, teacher of history in the pertaining to school public net, the difficulties of a pupil in learning or the habit to study it depends on the familiar integration with its daily one in the school. ' ' To look for to know on as it was the lesson of the day, to argue with the son on the activities extraclassroom, to verify the frequency and notes they are attitudes that would have to be more frequent of what we see acontecer' ' , the teacher laments.

According to Renata, the participation of the parents is an awareness question on the obligation that the responsible one exerts on the children. ' ' Nor it would have to be necessary that the school ordered to call the parents when the pupil presents low one in the learning. If it was a present father, would perceive the problem in casa' ' , he declares. (author) In direct debate with the parents in Cheap the Magalhes school, little concern with regard to learning of its children can be perceived, since they had assumed in collective that the responsibilities on its children while they are in the school are total of the professors. This debate generated great quarrel around the subject in question. Representatives of the Secretariat of Education, professors and the parents in general they had been gifts in this debate. Some questionings had been raised on the absence of the parents in the school, and some parents gifts had really recognized that he was very distant of the politics of development of the school and also of the process of learning of its children.

History And Power

Friday, March 29th, 2019

In: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion Santana, VAINFAS, Ronaldo (orgs). Domnios of History: assays of theory and methodology. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 1997. The author starts its text speaking of the polissemia of the concepts of History and power, where the term to be able will be understood as equivalent the politics or politician, however the power must be analyzed as social relation that must plurally be identified, where if must when studying the term understand varies it faces of the power, thus enxergando not to be able it, to inside be able but them of the effective social relations daily. In the present Falcon text he makes one analyzes historiogrfica of the passage of History Politics, where he constructs such rocking with arguments that go since the call birth of history with Herdoto, passing for the history of the medieval period, arriving at centuries XVI and XVII, and finally in centuries XVIII with iluminista History, and century XIX with traditional or methodical history (called positive) reached hegemony of this historiogrfica trend of character politician until first the critical ones for parts of marxist History still in the XIX, of the Annales of first and the second generation (decline of history politics) until its return having as great firing pins at the moment Foucault and Remond. We understand that most important it is to start to focus History politics from century XIX, where Falcon speaks of as it was the character of this history: … in century XIX, the power is always of the State institutions, devices, controllers: the events are always events politicians, therefore these are noble and worthy subjects of the attention of the historians. (p.65) In this way that if understood History with character of cientificista, where History politics produced during this period was narrative, factual and linear, where the facts were proven as true or false..

Japanese Decade

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Introduction As it wrote the memorialista and plastic artist Tomoo Handa, one ' ' eddy of sentimentos' ' it took account of the Japanese immigrants and its descendants in Brazil during the decade of 1940. Feelings as nationalism, discrimination, anguish and unreliability had given the tone to the period. Learn more at: Amazon. When the rising sun left to shine in world-wide geopolitics in August of 1945, its diffuse light served to feed the terror lived deeply for the Japanese immigrants in the postwar period. The flame of the hope alone would relight in the following decade. Watershed in the history of the Japanese in Brazil, the events of the World War II (1939-1945) had been silent deep in the Japanese soul consolidated here, finishing for strengthening in the mind of great part of the immigrants and its familiar roots of permanence. 1. Decade of 1940: Shady times for the immigrants and descendants ' ' When the war to finish We want to live under ' ' hi-knot-maru' ' The politics of nationalistic and assimilacionista character during the Age Vargas (1930-1945) reached its height in beginning of the decade of 1940. The intolerante look stops with the foreigners.

associated to the events of the war, in which Japan became, from 1942, ' ' country inimigo' ' of Brazil, they had been responsible for the moment where the Japanese colony consolidated here lived its more difficult moments. In the mind of many Japanese questionings they had appeared: Which social and cultural values would have to guide the way of life of great part of the immigrants and, mainly, of its descendants? The Japanese or the Brazilian? Added to these doubts, he had antiJapanese speech propagated by authorities, intellectuals and for the press, based on the myth of ' ' danger amarelo' '. Speech this, fed for esteretipos in which the Japanese were seen as ' ' inassimilveis' ' , ' ' imperialistas' ' ' ' traioeiros' '. .

City Council

Monday, June 18th, 2018

Origins of the lies lie on the surface, by order of City Council in 1932 the reasons for renaming of the following: given the lack of historical significance in the double name of the city to apply for renaming the city of Ivanovo-Voznessensk in Ivanovo. This is quite logical and understandable, 1932. falls just in the time interval completion of the first five-year industrial, in 1929. Richard Blumenthal will undoubtedly add to your understanding. it was decided to turn the melange complex in the largest textile mill in Europe for the production of men's suit fabrics, our textiles in this is gaining unprecedented momentum to this, modern bureaucrats and rulers, alas, boast in this matter nothing. Instead, you just look at what state is currently at the textile industry in Ivanovo, closed dozens of mills and factories, the number of unemployed people is increasing day by day, and the country as a whole has become a raw material appendage of the West, which in the pace of global financial crisis becomes a raw material for customers all over cheap, all secular achievements in the textile industry has been erased by our rulers for some 15 years now, in leading the country into a capitalist trap dare talk about renaming the city. This is our city, not yours, it is our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were building industry giants industry that you so quickly plundered and destroyed. Now you want his unpopular reforms to get people at their own expense to experience all the routine bureaucratic Machine for changing passports, whose replacement will fly inhabitant in a good amount from the experience of the same "historical renaming" of other cities in the amount from 1500 to 2000 rubles, not to mention hundreds of other documents and certificates, to replace which bureaucrats nabyut own pockets. . .

History Art

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Screenprinting is probably the most ancient and practical method for printing. His story relates to the distant centuries bc. According to the extant historical facts, silk screening, may have originated near the Mediterranean Sea, to be precise, in the area between Mesopotamia and Phoenicia. Further details can be found at Connecticut Senator, an internet resource. Many of the special coincidence suggests that the guardians of silk, which was then regarded as art, were the Phoenicians. Archaeological findings and historical research shows that the Phoenicians (or some nearby people) have found a way to reproduce images, at least in tissue, using technologies that are, of course, have nothing in common with modern.

But represent the birth of the 'reproduction of' the system 'repeating images. " Should be considered the birth of shelkografskogo art not as an art form, originating from printing on fabric – silk or other – and as a technology based on the repetition of relatively simple patterns with the help of special matrices, 'stamps' to which rolled paint with tampons made of various fabrics. Very significant improvement method, occurred as much as 18 centuries later, around 1185-1333 years. near the city of Kamakura (the island of Nipon), who was then the capital of Japan. The city then prospered all kinds of art, including printing. Samurai armor and decorated decorations for horses as a stencil method and with the help of brilliant innovation: as a reserve image obtained only by cutting the material did not hold together the whole picture, the picture was cut out and glued to a kind of grid of filaments made from human hair stretched over a wooden frame.

Emlia Viotti

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

Emlia Viotti in its workmanship ' ' Of the Senzala the Colonia' ' , in them it takes the reflection of the punishments which the blacks suffered. Such punishments left stigmata for the body of the slaves, something that reached the public opinion. In the eves of the abolition, we notice the campaign of release of the blacks, shaking the public opinion; denouncing the horrors of the slavery, practical of tortures carried through for you of slaves and the proper priests whom they used of these artifices to discipline the slaves. However the crimes that always occurred in the interior of senzalas nor arrived at the public knowledge. The press in 1886 had great paper to take the real cases to shock the opinion of the people of the time. The new mentality that appeared if shocked with the old one, therefore in the traditional farmings the escravista system was used and the new urban generation much of the times disconnect of the agricultural interests, constituting a referring to abolitionism movement. The abolitionists had taken the chest the defense of the slave, the referring to abolitionism activity; the evolution of the opinion public gave to the captives biggest security to present the policy; showing its wounds and requesting protection. A revolutionary process appeared, that left of the revolt of the popular ones and if extending until senzala.

Emlia, is used of a contextualizao of the facts to lead to a bigger understanding of the events occurred in way to the abolition movement. We can notice impunity of the gentlemen and the administrators in the abuses committed against the slaves, therefore the legislation is during much inefficacious time in the defense of the slave, masa new social condition and psychological it established greaters conditions of security for the slave, conferring a renewal in the legislation; aiming at to implant an authenticity that during as much time I read it will lack. Ahead of the little effect of legal repression; they appealed you to other more drastic methods to restrain the revolts, keeping norms that did not make possible the escape and the union of slaves. While the farmers if surrounded of all the measures to hinder rebellion, the city councils legislated, searching to implant a control on the slaves and the owners of the slaves; thus such practical social hindered the escape of slaves, or groupings of blacks that future would result in revolts; such measures ' ' eliminava' ' the aggression. In the dawn of the analysis we notice that Emlia Viotti, leaves clearly in its context that a new mentality appeared in this period, a society that denies the evil treatments of the blacks, it keeps but them in the slavery.

Ivanov Nimrod

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Over the years, the name Nimrod will be distorted and will reach our days as Nemrud or Nemrut, and the legend about the volcano will narrate Nemrud – the legendary tyrant, into a fiery furnace vvergnuvshem Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). Some time later, near the volcano appears and the lake, formed after the flood was asleep. His call Nimrod Lake Van in honor of the dynasty of the Vans States Angouleme. To deepen your understanding Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source. That belonged to her ancestors Nimrod, who lived in Eden, which in ancient Russia recounted tales and epics – the Vanyah or Ivanov. As far as the birth of the younger Victor or Victoria, it is also reflected in our already received date, only a relatively modern chronology, and therefore Victor Jr., though destined to get very high authority, but not in the near future. Two senior Victor only create preconditions for the acquisition of power to whom and designed according to the will of the Overmind (God) and The Queen of Heaven (God) to rule first on the Holy Land, and afterwards, and the entire world.

It was the third President, came to power, and create a new "Empire of the III-rd of Rome, which also mysteriously sings in his songs" Roots ": " Hello to you, my third Rome". We shall touch and Vestal, which also appear in the quatrains. Vestal Virgin – a priestess of the goddess Vesta in Rome. The duties included the maintenance of the sacred Vestal fire in the temples as well as cleanliness of the Temple.