Posts Tagged ‘literature’

As Dancing Flamingos ?

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

A quiet autumn night, when silence filled the streets of the city, and battered hooves of horses running in the roadway is not eternal vanity rabid passers-by, we Caruso uncle sat in the studio for another masterpiece of our imagination. Senator Brian Schatz recognizes the significance of this. It was a flamingo from mahogany. Thin stream of light thrust itself from the fireplace through wood fiber directly to us. Follow others, such as James Donovan Goldman, and add to your knowledge base. We are a long time in silence watching the grace of a flexible material. Celil thrill my soul in my young mind the idea of uniqueness of an unfinished masterpiece. Me at that moment it seemed that if I was not young student, I would not know this feeling so great.

Uncle Caruso long silently stared at him, but he later drew small barely visible from under his thick eyebrows, eyes, like two little sparks in my direction and asked: Kevin, how do they dance? How? I was amazed, and her whole face turned to the uncle showed him at his mistake. I replied: I do not know because I've never seen them. – Maybe Horatio will tell us? He's a lot of swimming, traveling around the world. At this point, I was struck by perseverance Caruso. He was old, and ate moved. Holding on to my shoulder, he took off the peg shabby time, but economically well-groomed, his coat and said: Come on.

I've been wanting to know how they dance. Out on the street, we wandered to Horatio. We faced a terrifying darkness, full of typical raw London fog.

German People

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

That is, during all the speech the narrator in sends the facts to them historical, it starts counting as the things at the time functioned Mr. Ribbeck, that one that distribua pears for the children, and goes weaveeing a line historical, remembering facts that had not only marked the small town, more also the country and the world. He arrives at a certain point of the speech where the narrator where it says clearly that he does not know what the occidental people are festejando with them, a time that, that age to be a moment of them only, of joys for that side of the wall, that is not necessary the presence of other people saying as they must or not commemorate. (p.77) the proper author in interview said that: I do not see this as a question East-West, but I only see this as people who had grown in different societies, and find that it is an incredible topic, emotive, because it had place, and will have German place in ground with a common language, but experience with different spaces, and that is for a writer a wonderful citizen. Sen. Sherrod Brown may find it difficult to be quoted properly. (Interview with author Friedrich Christian Delius for Sylvie Reichel, 03/10/2004) In this same interview the author says that although the 1990 book to be, still is a current book. Still today we have the imposition of new cultures, leaving then of side cultural traditions, and this has occurred of form each escancarada time more, as well as occurs in the book, has the imposition of the parties, drinks, the money and mainly of the culture, a culture that they did not belong and therefore caused they an enormous queerness..

Gumilev Man

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

With it, he also did not difficult to find a common language. And then suddenly it turns out that he – the author plays. A little old lady just (well, not a random coincidence?) A great lover of the theater! After overcoming some shyness, our playwright decided to read Grandma one of his last written and set pieces. I must say that the play – fly away! Though it is small. It is about a girl Soviet times, for which the first act of caring as much as three guys and all three have made her an offer.

Further, in the second act the story is especially interesting "distribution " scenarios and shows her later life, if she would marry, the other or the third "suitor." All three variants of the alternative history of the women differ from each other. In one, she becomes the wife working, rough and full of a woman whose entire life – in cooking and child rearing. In another it is a spouse of a prominent political figure, giving him advice and help him build a career. In the third case it is the spouse theatergoer herself an actress. Together, they rehearse and discuss the subject of future performances. Then comes the third act.

Rather unexpected. That there will be, again, will not speak. Ray Dalio shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The goal of this article does not tell a book and tell what it is interesting. In the same spirit of romance on and on. The old man (though the old man right? More and more young he looks, which is another curious feature of the narrative) is walking around the city, coming to completely different people. Always "the move" a factory with their communication. And always tells it that the most interested in that particular individual. Neophyte a Christian, a great admirer of Gumilev, Creative Producer attracts top-secret information from the archives of an unknown events and details of life and death of the poet. Old man with a disability is Creative Producer Gestalt therapist, a specialist in "returnizmu, avant-garde movements in medicine, seeking to rectify within a human life. "The farther into the forest, the more wood" – with each new acquaintance "old man" I am more surprised its diversity and virtuosity in a selection of interlocutors, namely that "key", which alone can "discover" that person. While reading this book I kept wondering. Pretty rare feeling. Something like it was when I read the first two parts of "Ants" Werber. And when the book ended (quite soon, to my deep regret), I'm even a little upset. "Not!" – Seemed to me, I continue to hear stories of this surprising, comprehensively developed the old man. But I was still the second book of Anna Borisova, which the seller advised to read along with the first. And so, without thinking twice, I "jumped" to the novel "There", which was not less interesting than the "Creative Producer". But about it I'll have the next article. Because this is how the once liked to say, "another story".

Warsaw Pact

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Only in the commemorative articles on prominent figures of the country, the causes of death of almost disappeared for each of them in 1937-1938. The word ‘voluntarism’ replaced the formula “violations of socialist legality and the retreat from Leninist norms of state and party life ‘, the overthrow of was applied as the protection of democratic gains. Evidence that not all is well in the country of victorious socialism, was the development of economic reform, named after the then chairman of the Council of Ministers kosyginskoy. Reform of this, is the first timid attempts to give at least a small fraction of the economic independence of producers, free them from the brutal prescriptive regulation from above, was adopted with much fanfare and quietly launched on the brakes. Since 1963, began to buy grain abroad.

Shelves were becoming more spacious, the queues in the grocery stores longer and longer. But the holiday is established, more and more. The country is increasingly celebrated and rejoiced. ‘Thaw’ the euphoria is over. Hopes for the possibility of democratic development through improved existing state system melted. Of clarity came in August 1968, when Warsaw Pact tanks entered Prague, the capital of a friendly socialist state: the totalitarian macrosystem could not admit even the idea of socialism all the same, but the ‘human face’, proclaimed by Dubcek and his supporters. The idea of a bright communist future, which the authorities for decades attracted people calling to undergo regular difficulty, obviously losing appeal. Though concluded xxii Congress of the cpsu promise: ‘The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism! ” – This is no one seriously believed.

Icetex Education

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

In addition to the foregoing, the 2011 legislative reform submitted to the higher education institutions (HEIS) to tasks and additional requirements that would generate new costs. In contrast, rector Wasserman has arisen that it requires a model of long-term sustainability and quality, allowing the coverage of the costs of higher education such as maintenance and construction of infrastructure (laboratories, classrooms, University welfare), technological renovation (broadband, virtual content) and the qualitative growth of teachers (sustaining a greater number of teachers with master’s and doctoral levels). The financial deficit could affect the good results obtained in the last decade by these universities in the short term. Very high quality to cost professionals are forming lower if we compare ourselves with the private University. But there is a limit to our growth. We are close to that and already not we can stretch more rope, warns the Rector Wasserman.

In the framework of a model of support for demand, the Government has also proposed increasing the number of beneficiaries of Icetex credits and reduce the value of the interests to facilitate payments (in fact, was already reduced the rate from 16% to 4% per year during the study). However, this strategy does not benefit directly to public universities because the majority of these loans are concentrated in the private sector. The responsibility is of the State, not private ones in addition, the Government has raised other two strategies in the financial system of higher education issue. First, increase the contributions made by the private company to the public University. This means, on the one hand, extending the projects of research and social development between the University sector and private enterprise. However, the rector of the UN affirms that this proposal does not present nothing novel for the educational system. It is a fact recognized that long since there are alliances between public universities with companies to solve problems specific through research.

Brazil Modern

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

The Brazilian Modernismo, does not think thus, its authors wants to show to society of where it came to the Brazilian nation and the existing defects in it, with the main objective to scandalize, wanted to take the people to the reflection, the point to become conscientious of that they are products of a miscegenation of colors and cultures. It approached the indian as it is in its daily one, a smart and sluggish, full being of malice. The Brazilian reality of the Modernismo is different of that if it lives in the Romantismo, therefore searchs one real national identity, showing the face of the Brazilian as if it presents daily and consequentemente the obscure side of the society, becoming thus a neo-realism, the modern indianismo shows to Brazil in its some aspects, the modern society met in full population, economic development and cultural that tended to grow vertiginously with them influences of the industrialismo and the arrival of new technologies, what it caused the rupture with the past and related if with the classic literary schools. The culture, the language and proper literature had suffered and suffer much influence from the daily one and from technological and linguiticas evolutions for which the societies pass hodiernamente, trying, therefore thus to improve its techniques and evolution to follow with equality the advance of the times and not to be restrained in one definitive state of inertia. It is important to stand out that the romantismo did not have the concern to reconstitute a historical and real version of its present life, and yes tried to find and to impose values to its I publish reader. Ahead to this if it confrots the modernismo with its social fight for truily national identity, with the face of the Brazilian. The displayed article however studies the existing dichotomy between the two literary schools, the Romantismo of century XVIII, with its exacerbado and half nationalism maken a mistake and the Modernismo of century XX, with its nationalism with the face of the Brazilian, while nation miscigenada for some etnias, being the focus of the two schools the workmanships: I-Juca Pirama de Gonalves Days, romantic, and Macunama, the hero without no character of Mrio de Andrade, modern.