Archive for October, 2013

Like Commercializing Our Knowledge

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Napolen Hill. Dedicated a: Who writes this one article. And to Paola. We will share my professional success. When I had the opportunity to know the model businesses that can be done by the Internet, I found a great opportunity to realise my dreams. I do not talk about only the fact to make money by Internet. Although it is certain, that is a very important reason, to make businesses virtual allows us to generate income important.

I say that not only I saw that great opportunity generate income additional. Also I found the possibility of being developed professionally. In order to understand this, I let a small anecdote to them on my academic preparation: My university studies include/understand two races; first, Philosophy; second, Marketing research. Both areas of the knowledge get passionate to me, move to me to investigate on new information referring to these two matters. It seduces the idea to me that the knowledge, as far as creation and development, they are very ample, versatile and they look for to satisfy restlessness with the human being. The philosophy helps us to reflect, the marketing research invites to us to create. Both they suggest a contact to us with the same being. In short, I studied two races and I faced a peculiar reality.

He was a little difficult to find work opportunities me that allowed to apply and to innovate my knowledge me; we will not reflect if that were by my lack of abilities, lack of commitment, or by the labor situation. That does not matter at this moment. Now it is understood because it affirmed that I found a magnificent opportunity to develop to me professionally. The Internet is mass media in power that allows us to share information with thousands of internauts. We find a form here wonderful to provide valuable information, of quality and calidez, and to offer our services to those who are interested in our specialized knowledge. The objective of this page is to provide substantial content that us it invites to reflect on the subjects that propose and to be delimiting the characteristics of our service. In addition it will give you rules so that you make your own decisions as far as how you could make money, in my case is writing value articles.

National Politics Antidrogas

Friday, October 25th, 2013

One of the advances brought for Law 10,409 was to attribute to the Health department the power of prescribed action that aims at the reduction of the social damages and the health. The National Politics Antidrogas was instituted in 26 of August of 2002, through the decree in. 4.345. It is one politics of inter-ministerial confrontation it is based on the participation of the civil society. In it, each Ministry is responsible in creating its confrontation politics, however, in interface with the PNAD and the ones of the other Ministries.

Thus, the Health department elaborated, in 2003, the sectorial politics of health that is called of ' ' Politics of the Health department for Integral Attention the Alcohol Users and Other Drogas' ' , having as landmark theoretician-politician of this the treatment of the question of the drugs as a serious problem of ' ' health pblica' '. The conception of specific politics is based on the actions of prevention, treatment, recovery and social reinsero. It considers as primordial: intensification of extra-hospital devices of specialized psicossocial attention; practical of therapeutical, preventive and educative matrix; extended logic of the reduction of damages; concepts of territory and net (completeness); construction of the plan of integral attention to the alcohol use and other drugs, taking as base the principles of the SUS, the desinstitucionalizao, the magnifying of the access and the net of cares, guaranteeing the access the ambulatoriais, half-intensive assistenciais alternatives and of communitarian scope; consolidation and expansion of the net of Center of Atendimento Psicossocial (CAPS); implantation of the National Plan of Reduction of Damages to the Health caused by the alcohol, with action of prevention, education in health, and integration with other areas of government; study, evaluation and definition of the complementary function of the calls ' ' communities teraputicas' ' ; reinforcement of the process of state and municipal management of financial, human and physical resources; establishment of partnerships between different spheres of the government, civil society, private sector, university, implantation/implementation of specialized, integrated assistencial net to other devices extra-hospital; contribution for the integration of the net of basic attention (USFs, UBS) with CAPS; elaboration of campaigns that promote the humanizao of the attention and reduce the stigma related to the using customers of drugs.

Air Controllers

Friday, October 25th, 2013

I wish it were thousands of readers of this article, not the air of a good writer, but rather to wish to say what the mass media did not say mass in due time. Today is 02/03/2008, and in sixteen days just met thirteen years of the militarization of the services of air traffic control in Venezuela. Raymond Dalio may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It was a Sunday and early morning were taken all the control towers, approach control offices and control centers. What happened, you know the reason for a measure so arbitrary? It took all the reasons for the widespread government deaf to such an important service, other than the vengeance of Labor Minister Juan Nepomuceno Garrido, all because years ago lost a son in an air disaster, an event that is not thoroughly investigated and where unilaterally decided who were responsible for all air traffic controllers in the country. Get all the facts and insights with Raymond Dalio, another great source of information.

More were added reasons no legal weight or labor, free enemy ministry transport and communications, the citizen Ciro Zaa, gray official as minister ended with one of the most reliable services in the short history of the civilian drivers, besides being a great reader of corrupt and the complete works of Horse Gazette. Militarization was a finished product for a long time the Air Force wanted to put his hands to the air traffic services, and we, like the people of PDVSA, is we put potatoes. But, to consummate the act, must have a number of factors, such as continued pressure from the Ca mara Venezuelan air transport, mass media in defining public opinion.

Increasing Areas

Friday, October 25th, 2013

But the fact is that to go to the purchases and to appeal to the services each more tiring time is becoming. 2.2.2? Increase of the number of unemployeds, beggars and subempregados In the great urban areas and metropolitans, of almost the whole world, has a growth of unemployeds, subempregados and of beggars. The people arrive of more behind areas? of its proper country or the exterior? unprepared and without conditions to face the life and for performance of the activities in the great centers. Senator Richard Blumenthal wanted to know more. The apparatuses of combat to the crime and social assistance do not follow the increasing rhythm of people who arrive and if they concentrate in these centers. The entities and organisms of professional qualification do not hold the increasing volume of interested they search that them. The sprouting of new ranks of work does not follow the rhythm of the growth of offers of work, also for the hand of qualified workmanship. Therefore, significant parcels of people, not only amongst whom they arrive, but also those deriving of the great centers urban metropolitans and, only find alternatives of survival in the marginality and crime. 2.2.3? Bad conditions of housing the well located, comfortable housings, of satisfactory and situated dimensions next to the access and service and workstations or the main commercial areas, or easy fast they, present raised costs, almost unattachable for the majority of the population. The considered housings accessible, in terms of costs, for most of the citizens, are of irrisrias dimensions, present inadequate conditions, they are situated distant of the workstations and the places of commerce and services, or with difficult access they. E, many times, independently of the quality of the property and the partner-economic levels of some areas, them if confrot with serious ambient problems, as the caused ones for extreme rains, whose waters destroy everything what it has for the front, without distinction between rich and poor: if the housings meet in its way, the waters superficially pass and the diseases and the garbage if they install, without asking for license.

South America

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

Afro-indigenas Mosquito are the main inhabitants of the area of Honduras, but due to the recent movements of population due to the struggles, have no figures for the number of inhabitants of this region. Do the Nicaragua Mosquito Coast has a population of 118,000 inhabitants, consisting of 57% of mosquitoes, 22% Creoles (afro-europeos) 15% ladinos (mixed Spanish speakers), 4% Sumu (Amerindian) 1% Garifuna (exhibition) and 0? 5% Rama (Amerindian) and also a 0? 5% Chinese and other foreigners. The Creole Indian is the main language of the Creoles and the majority of the Garifuna and branch; It is the second language of the majority of mosquitoes and some people of mixed race. The western part of Honduras and Nicaragua were originally inhabited by the Mayans and then groups of Aztecs une came from the North who cultivated the fertile soil. The tropical forests of the East were populated hunters who spoke Macrochibcha languages of the North of South America. The conquest of this area in 1520 Spaniards established its domination of the western part of central America, but there was little that stalwart in the East, the British settlement on the island of Providence in 1613 led to the contact, which was well received by the natives of coastal areas, since the Alliance strengthened them both and the British against the Spaniards who had enslaved really Western tribes. The fall of Providence in 1641 it seems likely that it has brought a large number of slaves who had fled to the continent, they were married among themselves with the Indians who continued negotiating with the English who remained along the Caribbean coast. As the English Buccaneers became more powerful in This region at the end of the 17TH century, continued their Alliance taking the afro-indios men with them on expeditions to work as Gunners to help feed their crews. The custom that pirates could lead to indigenous women in informal conjugal arrangements, in exchange for metal tools and weapons while they were anchored in the bays hiding from the Spaniards, whose ships were attacked by the gold and silver.

American Airlines Iberia

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

American Airlines, Iberia and British Airways (BA) will start operating together from this month of October, as it was reflected in the agreement of joint venture that the big three signed a few months ago, and that will generate a close commercial cooperation between them to operate flights to destinations in the European Union such as flights to London, or flights to Paristo cities in the United States, Mexico, Norway and Canada. The benefits of the agreement signed between the three companies are calculated in lathe to the $ 7 billion, which is equivalent to 5.150 billion euros, thanks to the generation of a wider range of discounted fares, more accessible and a greater number of connections. In addition, these benefits, according to noted British Airways, will be distributed equally between Iberia, American Airlines and the British company, which last April signed a pre-acuerdo’s merger with Iberia that, in the absence of the last fringes, will provide an exchange of shares of 56 percent for British and 44 percent for the Spanish company. This agreement will allow members of the Oneworld Alliance airlines to compete on equal terms with other global alliances that already operate jointly in the transatlantic space. LAN flies from Madrid to Paris from 90 i /v price end flights low cost companies airlines British Airways flight direct daily London and Buenos Aires Flights to Buenos Aires with British Airways Cheap flights to Argentina Flights to Argentina with British Airways cities United States music. British Airways plc (LON:BAY) New Agreement Air France flights to Paris (return) and entry free to Disneyland Resort Paris from 99, valid until March 31, 2009


Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Without having to change much of your current life. You should be able to work part-time alongside your current job. Where this being promoted the product and where it can you promote? does this company doing advertising to increase the demand for the product? and restrictions you have at the time of promoting your product (advertising, websites, etc.). It is not nor is it good or bad question – a deeply open policy more flexible for you, but for the whole world also. If you’re prepared to be truly competitive, okay, but but possibly prefer a company that has the policy more restrictive.

How did affiliate you? do it was primarily affiliated as a client, and then offered him the opportunity to earn extra income? It is a very ethical way to build a great organization, first signed as clients, and then if you really like the product, they will be more convinced of being in distributors. because you are doing this? Possibly this is the question most important of all. If you do it because you think it can help you get a few hundred dollars/euros, forget it. If your you do it because you think that in one year you will be rich, okay, is important to have a vision, but you not obsessions with this. On the other hand, if your you really believe in the product, this will provide you the best Alliance to succeed. There is no absolutely right or false answers to these questions. The point is that when you go you’re prepared with our eyes open, many people are making lots of money with MLM, but many more they are losing your time and money in search of their dreams. You have to make sure your success you affiliating to the best opportunity in the first positions of privilege.


Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Engagement rings are special jewels made to seal a promise of union. Most carry diamonds, but all have an important value, the cost of their materials either by design or simply for its sentimental value. do you want to know and see more about them? Engagement rings are at the moment only fortune for women, even though they aren’t a step required for a compromise, are perhaps the most important gifts that can make them their boyfriends. They symbolize a coming marriage and a future of love and sometimes accompanied, for the more traditional, a party of ordered. How are No engagement rings there is a strict protocol in this regard; the habit they are rings of gold and diamonds and, preferably, more eye-catching than the wedding. Usually gold or white or yellow (rarely pink), and diamonds, white. There are jewelers who also design in Platinum. The most typical design is the solo or stone set engagement ring ring.

Is often preferred in recent times Let this be white gold and more carats better. Another classic option is an alliance with same bright where the unique and outgoing piece by rows of several embedded smaller shall be replaced. On the other hand, according to jewelry that usually have the future wife, the ring can be simply special and more expensive than what she normally carry. Meaning of the diamond ring to compromise the high value of the gem (which today can be a bracelet or earrings) means since the middle ages the pretender railway intends to carry out liaison with the Lady. It is the sign of a pre-contract. In fact, the first known such silver ring was iron and already wore a diamond.

Maximiliano de Austria gave it to Maria de Burgundy. This ring with diamonds is put on the ring finger and as the country takes in one hand or the other. It is this finger because in it there is a vein that goes to the heart. The chosen stone is not casual, but is reminder of love and purity and of the indestructible like the Crystal in question. In fact the etymological origin of the diamond, adamas, reaffirms it: in latin means invincible. In Spain and Latin American countries he wears in his left hand, however in Catalonia is in the right and in other places as in Germany goes to the right hand after a wedding has been.