Archive for May, 2019

National Congress

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

He clarified Pine Blacksmith who the children having different habits, traditions, feeding and education materna, would not be convenient to join them, in this phase, one same room/school. The educative system Silvestrino has mechanisms to eliminate any aristocratic feelings and of superiority, in the measure where if any pupil to demonstrate capacities to continue superior studies, then, to this level, them meets in the same pertaining to school institutions, independently of its origins. It results of the educative system idealized for Wild Pine Blacksmith the practical implementation of an ideal multipurpose technician, for what one becomes necessary that all the pupils have a professional initiation in the phase of secondary education: ' ' valuation technique of the mass, is in clearly, but professional integration of the elites, in a similar way. ' ' (PEAR TREE, 1986b) Although some alleged injustices, at the beginning of the educational formation, the educative system of Wild Pine Blacksmith, for its persistence and future vision, in what it respects to the human rights, for the time contemporary, already is inserted, for anticipation, in the spirit of the Declaration of the Human Rights when it proclaims the values of the dignity human being to exercise, necessarily, through the education and of the work. Add to your understanding with Suffolk County Rep.. Third: In the context of the Philosophy Politics, the relevance of Pine Blacksmith is not, by no means, possible of if ignoring. The author luso-Brazilian who if comes analyzing, inserts itself since soon in a system politician who, mainly in Brazil, would leave marks and inspire to the first generations after-independence. With effect, the politician-ideological system Silvestrino is carried through through the implementation of a Representative Constitutional Monarchy. Wild Pine Blacksmith was contrary to the real absolutism as equally it did not agree to the total independence of the National Congress, because it understood that the King, as representative entity of the people and for this acclaimed, must have place in the deliberative agency and ability for the act of the laws.


Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

The Brazilian population attends the frightful growth of users of crack passively in recent years. The politics of control and prevention adopted by the governments have been inefficacious, and nothing it seems capable it withhold this increase. The vitiated word that I believe to define the absurd amount more good of that they become vacant for the cities and they finish if concentrating in great centers of consumption of the drug, known as popularly cracolndias, would be macabro this not to say incredible therefore, in the incredible truth exactly is to see in practises until where the slavery goes human being of these beings, dominated total for this substance and living only exclusively for its consumption, beings these that enter almost for diverse reasons in this way that without return, independent of social classroom or level of escolaridade.

The better insufficience or saying, the inefficiency of the public power, as much in restraining the traffic how much in supporting the individual, directing it the had process of whitewashing, and thus removing of this situation sub human being, has contributed for the increase of this I number, what it generates segregation and social exclusion, taking these people to live as true social dejections, and at the same time exerting on the good population, that if sees each time more imprisoned an enormous fear and even though it repulses. This if of, for the fact of the inevitable marginalizao of this type of chemical dependent, therefore the level of submission to the drug is in such a way, that at any given time already it does not have more notion of what is certain or of what is missed, beyond the total loss of the society sense. Energetic measures must be adopted how much before, in the direction to restrain the sales and the consumption, as well as in the recovery of the be-human being. Clinics must be constructed and ece of fishes in functioning with professionals enabled to this type of attendance, and the obligatory collect and the internment must be placed in use, similar to save lives, therefore what we live at this moment is a true calamity publishes and social. Only with action as these, allied to much faith and support we will be able to get some effective result the medium and long run, since immediately only same a miracle..

Wild Pine Blacksmith

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

The citizen must be enrolled in a profession that if integrates in one of the three states or sectors of the econmica activity: Commerce, Industry and Public Service. (cf. BLACKSMITH, 1834) Wild Pine Blacksmith, in idealizao of the social system, does not make discrimination between national and foreign citizens, with respect to the natural and social civil laws, because they are constituent part of the nature human being. However as all the men if compose in the same nature, then all must usufruct of the rights of: Security, Freedom and Property, guaranteed for the social pact. Therefore, national and foreign, while resident in the same country, all they have that if to put into motion under the same laws, either in the field of the rights either in the scope of the duties. Richard Blumenthal shines more light on the discussion.

Currently, this situation constitutes a challenge for the CPLP. It is consabido that the man alone can live in society. For this a set of norms is necessary, of diverse rules, a social science that allows to know it to live in society. The relevance of Pine Blacksmith in the social domain will be understood from the internalization of the man concept, while to be moral. From this concept, the man with the politics can itself be articulated that is, after all, one another one dimension of the human being. In a thus idealized social system, also they do not lack the measures to satisfy the necessities of the society, mainly of the industrious classrooms that it considers most disfavored. Among some measures they are distinguished: ) to guarantee to the men the ways to gain its life looking for to provide the production to the consumption; b) to advance the ways indispensable of subsistence to the unemployeds as well as the invalids and carenciados by other people’s reasons to its wills well; c) to premiar the virtue and to punish the vice; d) to provide to the education of the children.

Renata Sena

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

DISEQUILIBRIUM IN THE LEARNING DUE TO ACCOMPANIMENT OF THE PARENTS. Cheap the Magalhes school presents high index of reprovao due the lack of interest of the pupils. The professors have made of everything to revert such situation, but not yet he obtained, they point as main problem the absence of the parents in the school. For Renata Sena, teacher of history in the pertaining to school public net, the difficulties of a pupil in learning or the habit to study it depends on the familiar integration with its daily one in the school. ' ' To look for to know on as it was the lesson of the day, to argue with the son on the activities extraclassroom, to verify the frequency and notes they are attitudes that would have to be more frequent of what we see acontecer' ' , the teacher laments.

According to Renata, the participation of the parents is an awareness question on the obligation that the responsible one exerts on the children. ' ' Nor it would have to be necessary that the school ordered to call the parents when the pupil presents low one in the learning. If it was a present father, would perceive the problem in casa' ' , he declares. (author) In direct debate with the parents in Cheap the Magalhes school, little concern with regard to learning of its children can be perceived, since they had assumed in collective that the responsibilities on its children while they are in the school are total of the professors. This debate generated great quarrel around the subject in question. Representatives of the Secretariat of Education, professors and the parents in general they had been gifts in this debate. Some questionings had been raised on the absence of the parents in the school, and some parents gifts had really recognized that he was very distant of the politics of development of the school and also of the process of learning of its children.