ACM Sarney

1,2 Constituent Antesda In 1987, one year previous to the constitution, served for adistribuio of concessions for the operation of radios and/or comandadaspor television Antnio Carlos Magalhes (ACM), minister of the communications to the time, and pelopresidente Jose Sarney. Sarney fought to strain its mandate for five anose was one of the boosters of the presidentialism in Brazil. Supported in the precarious regulation of the system decomunicao in the country, Sarney and ACM they had distributed 1028 grants for the operation deradiodifuso, concentrating 25% of these permissions in the month of September of 1988, previous month the promulgation of the constitution that occurred in 05 of October domesmo year. Intervozes (Idem, p.06) affirms despite of the 91constituintes presenteados with the concessions, 84 (92.3%) had voted the favor dopresidencialismo and 82 (90.1%) had voted in favor of the mandate of 5 years parapresidente. With the constitution, chapter V was created, that turns sobreo control in relation to the Social Communication, but the offered concessions already notiveram its debates revised, remaining the same owners until the days dehoje, with rare exceptions where concessions had moved of permissionrio. 1.3Surgimento of the FNDC Beyond congregating sectors that started to extend debatesobre democratization of the communication, the FNPC also was responsible pelosurgimento of the National Frum for the Democratization of Comunicao (FNDC), quesurgiu as movement and today she is one of the main entities in Latin America sobreo debate of public politics of communication 2. Since the creation of the front, the movements that fought pelademocratizao of the media would gain with passing of the new times allies, as Executiva National of the Students of Social Communication (Enecos), the FederaoInterestadual of the Workers in Broadcasting and Televiso (FITERT), the AssociaoNacional of the Artists and Technician in Espetculos (ANEATE), FederaoInterestadual of the Workers in Telecomunicaes (FITTEL), that the FNDC would establish noano of 1995, but that already de1991 acted as social movement since the year.


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