Esquerra United

Martinez has showed that the Police has tried to guarantee the rights of all, but " the disorder not can tolerar" , and it has lamented the happened thing to the wounded when trying to exceed the security fence. Also, it has requested understanding towards the agents of the Police who are carrying out a work " prudent and very bueno" , according to Martinez, who has assured that a police load has not taken place nor has been tried to disperse to the concentrates and that the action of the Police is " the minim that has been able hacer". Intervention " injustificada" On the other hand, the coordinator and spokesman of Esquerra United in Them Corts Valencianes, Sanz Marl, have requested the resignation of the delegate of the Government in the Valencian Comunitat, Ana Bottle, when considering that the police intervention against demonstrators of " Movement 15-M" in front of the autonomic Camera he has been " injustificada". Sanz has realised these declarations during its visit to the police station of Combat engineers, to whom the leader of the EU to be interested has itself displaced in stopped. The EU spokeswoman has requested the resignation before facts " so graves" and a police intervention that considers " totally injustificada" , since, according to there is saying, " there has been no provocaciones". " There have been tension situations but &quot does not stop an attack; like that, in his opinion, it is had produced against members of " Movement 15-M" , that until now had managed " with a balance importante" and &quot reasoned by a footpath; pacfica". Source of the news: The assistant representative of the Government in Valencia defends " mnima" police action against 15-M


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