Mountain See

Concern Brazil, lives a choice moment, the doubt is to give continuity to the left government that nor is left more is or to come back to the neoliberalismo of the Toucans. It leaves what me more intrigued, is not which project will be winning, but when I go to open the periodical and not to see more news of corruption. The first election that I have souvenirs is of 1989, where we were still, engatinhando in what it refers to the democracy. Passed 21 years I see the same scandals to arise in the Brazilian scene, when we will be able being proud in to say them I I am Brazilian, I am not speaking of development of natural beauties or of the soccer, I am speaking of ethical principles that are very distant of our reality. I see the three main candidates to promise very, what he is normal, but the promise that I wanted to hear, unhappyly is utopia ' ' We go to value the education in all nveis' ' , as much the Dilma how much the Mountain range alone says of education technician and university.

E I ask there I eat to construct a house without constructing first the foundation, already I know, much go to say, but the constitution delegates to the cities this ability, but then the union fits to decentralize the view of resources, because the majority of the city halls does not have nor money for the leaf of payment of its servers. the reform tax I do not see no candidate to speak, clearly, this not of the vote. Now we live the most recent phase of scandals, and you would lower in the campaign politics, but this unhappyly is the routine of our country since the discovery. To invest in education is the prescription for terms children, who value the ethical principles, therefore thus only is that the scandals will leave to be part of our daily one. In the last election a candidate existed, in which its main goal was to value the education of the daily pay to the one after, but for not terms the education, still as a national priority, made stocking dozen of votes.


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