Republic Presidency

This article has as objective to show the reality it fishes involving it and aquicultura in its diverse pursuings, being about public politics you specify and demonstrating the basic importance of the relation of the man with the ecosystem. The society nowadays comes passing for a series of changes of alimentary habits, in search of quality of life, and has found in the aquatic animals, a more healthful and rich feeding in proteins. Brazil possesss a hidrogrfica basin that is constituted by 8,4 a thousand kilometers of sea coast, 5,5 million hectares of water reservoir available candy in the planet, the Country also possesss favorable climate, lands man power and increasing demand for fished in the domestic markets and external, where its potentialities come demonstrating a series of chances that they involve the activities related with fishes artisan and aquicultura. 2. It fishes it artisan and familiar aquicultura in Brazil This activity comes passing for some stages. In the year of 1950 some exotic species are introduced in our country, that had been cultivated in the principle in tanks of small producers.

In 1970 the idea appears of joins of species, where the excrementos of animals were used to advantage for feeding of the fish. in the same decade starts the experiments with culture of oysters, clams and shrimp of water candy in small scale. In the year of 2003 the SEAP/PR- was created by the Federal Government Special Secretariat of Aquicultura and Pesca of the Presidency of the Republic, Provisional remedy n 103, of 1 of January of 2003, in its art. 1, 3, IV, having as objective to assist the President of the Republic in the adoption of public politics for the development and foment of the fishing and aquicola production, for the execution and evaluation of projects of support to the development of it fishes artisan and industrial, and of actions also come back toward infra improvement of structures, commercialization and production of the fished one.


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