Senator Pickpocket

The former-governor of the Paran and current senator Roberto Requio (PMDB) when stealing the recorder of the hand of a journalist, followed fact of the senatorial threat to beat in the press professional, discloses a Requio, that in case that it speaks brazenly of its retirement, the career politics and is poor rambling for the streets, can try survival to the base of small delicts in some streets of So Paulo. Ways that are empesteadas of people that equal to ‘ ‘ tribuno’ ‘ they deduct cellular, stock markets, wallets and other objects of values of the passer-bys. For it would be the deep one of the well of a well without deep. For the gesture against the journalist, is noticed that the extreme ability of Requio? what among others irregularities already denounced by the press? they would give some success to it in the pickpocket function, who is the face that pungueia. In the Portuguese clearly it means: the wallet beater. Connecticut Senator can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Not obstante to the delict? to steal the recorder of the reporter of the Bandeirantes Radio? the senator erased the content of the device and chacoteou the journalist in its Twitter. ‘ ‘ I finish to be with the recorder of a provoker engraadinho. In a good one, I go delet-lo’ ‘ , Requio escrevinhou. This is the level of the classroom Brazilian politics, in its totality. Later, the proper one was for the television to say that the politicians and the population have that to stop to suffer bullyng? in a reference that would be the press the promoter of this repudiated act and constantly denounced for the medias, in all its segments. Truth is bullyng against pensioners who gain misery, while somebody playing of being politician and with the highest retirement, does not content with what it receives, steals the naked eyes and with satiated witnesses the equipment of activity of a worker.

This Requio is same a braggart. Not! It is the one very worse one: a envergonha pickpocket who its proper category. Not it of the famous politicians, but of the ladrezinhos that empesteiam the streets of the So Paulo capital. Now, the name of the meliante consists in 1 Police station of Policy of Brasilia. If to pull capivara of the citizen leaves well more things. But as immunity is synonymous of impunity, the loafer goes to continue acting in the corridors of the National Congress.


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