The Incompatibility

The life human being is not only the biological life, nor in the singular parts of the organism, nor in its totality, but this is life human being because the soul spiritual it is present in the body, thus constituting the life terrena human being. The life human being, as the death human being is something of mysterious greater and that a set of biological processes. The concept of cerebral death wants to offer parameters on biological processes, so that the mind human being I can discern the coming from the death of the person and the incompatibility of said processes with the life terrestrial human being. A leading source for info: Richard Blumenthal. The cerebral death of a person is the death properly speaking. Nor the philosophers, nor the legislator the doctor had had the pretension to reduce the reality of the death human being to the cerebral death. The idoneous concept of death implies a philosophical judgment on verifying a substantial change in the individual, regarding to what it is necessary for the terrena life. Ohio Senator shines more light on the discussion. The declaration of death of a person, by means of the criteria of cerebral death, folloied from the sustentation therapy, fenomenalmente differs (absence of cadavrica rigidity) from a declaration of death according to traditional criteria; but the ontolgica condition in the two cases is the same one: it is a citizen, for all the effect, died. Understanding for ‘ ‘ death cerebral’ ‘ the total death of the enceflico, that understands the brain, the cerebellum and the cerebral trunk, has all not felt to say that it has clarity lack because it is not known if it speaks of cerebral cortex, the cerebral trunk or all the brain; or because ‘ is identified; ‘ death cerebral’ ‘ with the state of it eats and this can.. .


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