The Palace of Dawn

Being I in Brasilia, was to visit the Church Ours Lady of the Peace, that is part of the Military Archdiocese of Brazil, I was magic with the cupola much beauty really a work of art. I walked for the city I was admired with the distribution of streets and the art architectural, of the master Oscar Niemeyer I was only for the center of the city. The Palace of Dawn, the house of the politicians, was one day of week the guard was of promptitude, the beauty of the uniform, was everything very pretty, started to take off photo. In this I looked in direction National Congress and vi the Mysterious Young entering. As I was always running to its meeting. It was very happy to see me. I asked what you make here in Brasilia? Said it me: – I go to visit the senators of the Republic, because they are wanting increase of 60% in its together expirations with the others politicians.

While the pensioners and workers earn, 6%, in its wage of hunger. I asked: He knows some of them? It answered: Not, but I want to know it personally. In this height I was curious, and I asked myself: What this Young lode to make in the National Congress? It read my thoughts and said: Why you are worried, I you came in mission, as always. In this it was entering in the Congress and the Sarney came to receive it, after all it has status for this. I was observing and noticed that it seemed that already to know the Sarney, who presented the other senators, it was a very important meeting after all the Mysterious Young in the Congress, some thing would go to happen of good, for the people. It asked to the Senator Sarney which the agenda of the congress for the year of 2011? Sarney answered that the proposal of the congress would be to approve many diverse laws, reforms and constructions, as to finish the CAP and to implant the CPMF to have money for the health.


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