Biotechnology Vector

In this second part of the article ‘ ‘ The wakening of the Bear: the reascenso of the Vermelha’ Star; ‘ the forces not-conventionals, the strategical aerospace defense, the space program of Moscow and the conflict of 2008 in the Caucasus will be analyzed. The forces not-conventionals enclose four fields of boarding, namely, the armories of biological weapons, of chemical weapons, the nuclear armory of tactical missiles and forces. The Soviet Union arrived to keep, during the decades of 1970 and 1980 the biggest program of biological weapons of the world. With capacity to synthecize varied agents, since bubonic and tularemia plague until anthrax, smallpox, plague and some types of hemorrhagic fever, the Soviets used the aerial ammunition of artillery and bombs or same missiles long-range as vectors of launching for such weapons.

However, since 1992 all programs of biological weapons had been banished by means of presidential decree signed by then president Boris Yeltsin. But the programs of civil research and civil defense had been kept. One of the inheritances of the Soviet program of biological weapons is the laboratories of level of laboratorial security IV, the most raised, it becomes what them apt to deal with any biological threat known by the Man. These are of the State Center of Research Applied for Microbiology in Obolensk, the region of Moscow, and the State Center of Research in Virology and Biotechnology Vector, in the region of Novosibirsk. The fact is noteworthy of that the Russians, in set with the Americans, are the only official detainers of samples of the virus of the smallpox, to be eradicated in the next decade. The Russians keep, currently, the biggest armory of chemical weapons of the world, esteem, in 2003, in approximately 40,000 tons of chemical agents.


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