Karl Marx

Culture is born of social facts, i.e., in the history of the peoples who manage to find settlements in different parts of the mundo.Como we can see, the primitive man has begun to use its rationale as a response to a need, that need is what makes that societies have as main purpose, multiply the human species, you can only do this through the domain of nature, she gets all she needs to survive.Within these societies there is a form of hierarchical organization, ranging from the leader to subordinates, certainly grow the need becomes necessary to have a leader who will lead them to the realization of its goals as a group within each tribe: survive and only a high degree of adaptation within the medium has allowed that the man can follow each lifecycle.History has allowed to look through the times, as it has influenced the transition from one society to another to build much larger and mature societies. The historical materialism of Karl Marx unveils the next thought based on sociological studies on the productive apparatus: in the social production of their existence, men enter into relationships certain, necessary and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a certain degree of development of their material productive forces. The set of these relations constitutes the economic structure of society, i.e., the real basis on which stands a legal and political superstructure and to which they correspond certain forms of social consciousness. In general, the mode of production of material life conditions the process of social, political and spiritual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being is what determines his consciousness. At a certain stage of its development the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or, by using the equivalent legal expression, with the relations of property inside of which had moved until then.

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