Management Crisis

My phrase seemed to him absurd. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sen. Sherrod Brown. But your own actions, he seems to consider as rational and only correct the situation. – Of course not – he says. – What will you do if the income will be reduced at the same rate and in the future? – I hope this will not happen, – said my companion, looking at me already as a Cassandra, The Divine prophecy. – Yet? – I insisted, trying not passing the other person emotionally, and not give the impression that I mock him. – Well …

have to lay off some employees. – Clearly, – I say. – You do not have any sound strategy for survival in during the crisis and even more so there is no winning strategy in a crisis. – Yes, what are you talking about? – Outraged my interlocutor. – How can you win in a crisis in a falling market? – To start – I say, looking in the eyes – have to revise those thinking patterns that lead you to the loss of the market and to ruin. Namely, it is now and you are busy.

Interlocutor lowers her eyes. He is indignant, depressed, and he had nothing to object. We begin consulting. What, in fact, is the fundamental error interlocutor? He does not view his business as a single system, not aims in relation to its business as a whole (a “target” and “whole” – not by chance that same root word). Its solutions not dictated by the goals and primitive and, in general, suicidal reactions.

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