Monetary Politics

The biggest banks of the country had announced cuts in the interests of its main credit facilities, then after the spreading of the decision of the Committee of Monetary Politics (Copom) in such a way of the consumer as of the companies. The intention is to repass the fall of 1 porcentual point in the Selic tax for the operations of credit, in order to stimulate the economy in next the months. The Ita-Unibanco, for example, goes to cut in 0,08 porcentual point the monthly maximum taxes of the charge account and the guaranteed check for the operations contracted from the next Wednesday. According to institution, the reduction in the monthly taxes, valid in such a way for the consumer as for companies, is proportional to the reduction of 1 porcentual point in the Selic tax, that is annual. Already HSBC informs that, from the day the 12 of June interests of the consuming financings and for companies will be lesser.

The view varies of 50% the 100% of the cut in the Selic tax. In the guaranteed check, for example, the maximum tax falls of 9,34% for 9,3% to the month; it stops discount of trade bills, the incubencies fall of 3,14% for 3,06% to the month; for turn capital, the jib is of 3,72% for 3,64%.O Real Santander focou the cuts in the segment natural person. In the guaranteed check, the interests fall of 9,5% for 9,42% to the month and, in the personal credit, of 6,15% for 6%. ' ' These reductions, allied to the allonge of the stated periods, must reheat consumo' ' , the president of the bank in Brazil says, Fabio Barbosa.Em the Bradesco, the new level of interests to start to be valid from sixth (12 of June). The cut in the taxes occurred in such a way for the physical people as for companies.


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