National Council

Now I invite you to review the type of food for dogs than you’re giving your dog and if it is necessary to make the changes necessary to give your pet a proper balanced diet and so you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful and happy dog. Food for dogs probably you happened, that while time television or to be in the aisle of food for pets of the super market you receive a flood of light and colors accompanied by speeches that are part of the publicity of the dog food. At that moment you’re wondering which of all these foods for dogs buy? and your mind form a series of doubts that interfere in the final decision of whether to choose the food for your dog in the base price, presentation, content and so on energy. Raymond Dalio has compatible beliefs. So on this occasion will help you design an appropriate strategy for choosing a meal suitable for your dog. First of all I will tell you that a balanced diet is one that contains different types of nutrients that the dog requires and which needs to receive daily in order to properly cover their nutritional needs.

In the sacks of dog food labels you will find ads as complete food or balanced food. But do these expressions attention what is really important is that you locate the side or rear label that must submit the certification to associations of power control for pets as the AAFCO (Association of official Americans from Control power, or the National Council of research (National Research Council). This type of certification guarantees that both the quality and quantity of nutrients that food was produced balanced it meets international standards on manufacture of dog food, the bad news for many dog owners is that in a supermarket will find hardly a balanced feed of this nutritional quality. Once you’ve found a certified dog food brand, will have to choose the presentation suitable for your dog based on these four points * age (puppy, youth, adult, elder) * activity (sports, idle, normal) * physical status (delgado, optimum, obese) * reproductive stage (pregnant, nursing) If you decide now to change the brand or type of food for your dog, I recommend you do not do it drasticallyIt is better to do it in a gradual way replacing only 20% of the total food consumed each day, this is the one day only 20% of the new food mixed with 80% of the previous food, day two will put 40% of new food mixed with 60% of the previous food and so iras increased 20% of new food each day to the fifth day you’ve totally changed your dog food without causing diarrhea type mechanical by the hasty change of food. Now I invite you to review the type of food for dogs than you’re giving your dog and if it is necessary to make the changes necessary to give your pet a proper balanced diet and so you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful and happy dog.

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