Antismoking Law

The front pages of the newspapers and I teach textually (in any media) approval by the Congress of the modification of the current tobacco prevention Act, represents an important step in the protection of the health of the entire population, because it extends the prohibition of smoking in all enclosed public spaces. From January 2, or in small bars or restaurants or clubs may already smoke. Calls enabled areas will nor be allowed to smoke as those that exist in the restaurants of more than 100 m or at some airports. Now only the law is published in the BOE (probably in the next two days) so that it enters into force as of January 2, 2011. Many will be against others in favor in the end. .as they say there are tastes for everything. Sen. Sherrod Brown wanted to know more.

But I wonder the Government has well reflected this prohibition? Do you know the million euros which will be lost by this law? Because we all know that Spain one of the few sources of income is tourism and We also know that Spain is envied by many for our freedoms that other countries don’t have, why come to spend the summer at our beloved country. I only mentioned that tourism is related and I think that it is quite time to time, we are already very near next summer and will see the fall of foreign tourism. On the other hand (won’t give my condition that if I am in favour or against) but were made to think that where more stale air aspire (according to the experts) is in the same streets of the cities. Says the Government, which is for our sake, but according to acaparadas information is quite the opposite, it is a ploy more than our political leaders can imagine for that?

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