Posts Tagged ‘law and order’


Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

We have learned to live without a parliament, consisting of millionaires and billionaires. Without Parliament, the vast majority of whom are criminals, drug addicts, pedophiles, prostitutes, swindlers and muzhelozhtsy. Laws that they take, make our lives more and more unbearable, and our relationship with power – all the more unfair to us. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights. We learned not to rely on the judiciary that protects the interests of the ruling class. We have been looking for the truth is not in the courts – there is none. We have learned to live without a president – it does not guarantee we protect our constitutional rights. He rules.

More precisely, it runs the caste of 'rulers', destroying our country and our people. We have learned to survive against the local corrupt officials who receive salaries from the budget, have cars worth 140 annual salary doctor or a teacher. While we have the content, they live better than us. And so they do not care about us. We all live in spite of that state. 80% (!) Ukrainians have long relied only on their power! Many of us have no connections and support for anyone built their small successful Ukraine.

Many of us without the help of the state include the parents. Many of us in spite of the state provide a good education for their children. Every day we are told that we must accept and … pay! Pay for speculative shenanigans natsbankovskoy gang! To pay the banks, which raise interest rates when the dollar falls, when the euro rises, falls when the price of oil to pay taxes on the new rules, since it is we, not the super-rich class of people who own 85% of the economy, should provide the poor and needy.


Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Workplace So, let's move on to the organization of working space office worker. In accordance with legislative acts of the area vyshupomyanutymi workplace PC user should be not less than 4.5 m2. The premises must be done daily, dry cleaning and systematic airing after every hour of work. Noisy equipment (printers, scanners, servers, and the like), the noise levels that exceed regulatory, should be placed outside the workplace employees. Work tables should be placed so that the monitors were oriented to the side of the light openings to the natural light falling predominantly on the left. When placing jobs distance between desktops must be at least 2.0 m and the distance between the lateral surfaces of the video monitors – at least 1.2 meters Jobs of employees who perform creative work and requires considerable mental effort or high concentration, it is recommended to isolate from each other by partitions height of 1.5 m.

The design of the desktop to ensure optimal placement on the work surface to use equipment. Height of working table dolzhnasostavlyat 725 mm working surface of the table should have a width of 800 .. 1400 mm and a depth of 800 .. 1000 mm. The desktop should have the leg room for a minimum height of 600 mm in width – not less than 500 mm, depth at the knees – not less than 450 mm and stretched at the feet – not less than 650 mm. The design of a chair or working chair should ensure the maintenance of sound working position and allow the worker to change position in order to reduce tensing the muscles of the neck and shoulder and back. Work chair or chair to be up-and-swivel, adjustable height and tilt angles the seat and backrest, as well as the distance back from the front edge of seat with the adjustment of each parameter should be independent, easily implemented and have a secure fit. The keyboard should be placed on a table surface at a distance of 100 ..

300 mm from the edge, facing the user, or a special surface, which is separated from the main tabletop. Monitor screen should be from the user's eye at a distance of 600 .. 700 mm, but no closer than 500. Full article is available at


Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

1:88). The personal presence of the spouse (s) is not necessarily enough written consent. Community of ownership property and acts of institution of the family property in the Netherlands – Dutch system of community of property in the Netherlands – the Netherlands in matters of property relationship between the two spouses or registered Dutch law partner has a special position compared with those of other countries. Credit: novelist-2011. System similar to the Dutch, is only valid in South Africa and Suriname. If before marriage in the Netherlands – Dutch couple did not come to any other agreement, after the marriage in the Netherlands – Holland, they engage in community of property. This comprehensive community includes all existing and future assets, and also all the debts available to the spouses at the time of marriage (Articles 1-93, 94, paragraphs 1 and 2, 95 and 96). For assistance, try visiting Richard Blumenthal. There are a few exceptions relating to the components of this comprehensive community property rights: First, it does not include those objects that were removed from the donor community or by the testator. Secondly, it does not apply to those assets and debts that are directly assigned to one of the spouses (Article 1:94, paragraph 1 and 3).

Finally, with the entry into force of the new law on compensation of pension rights in 1994, pensions are no longer included in community of property (Article 1:94, paragraph 4). Currently, the compensation of pensions is a rather controversial and complex legal problems. The allocation of assets in the Netherlands – Holland is solved by a spouse, who brought him to this community. The spouses are obliged to inform each other about the condition of the property and Debt community (Articles 1:97 and 98). Community of property shall be canceled in the Netherlands – the Netherlands in the following cases: divorce proceedings (see paragraph 23); separation by court order, the presence of a court order for cancellation of generality, the presence of postnuptial settlement of revocation of community (Section 1:99). This means that in the Netherlands – Dutch community is divided into two equal parts, one of which goes to one spouse (or registered partner) or his / her heirs, and the other – the other spouse or his / her heirs (Article 1:100). Nevertheless, after the cancellation of community in the Netherlands – Holland, each spouse continues be responsible for all general debts, for which he (she) is (responsible) before, and each spouse or registered domestic partner will continue to be responsible for half of the debts the other spouse (Article 1:102). After Cancellation of generality, each spouse has the right to purchase clothing and jewelry, which he (she) wore (wear) before.

Marriage In The Netherlands – Netherlands

Friday, January 5th, 2018

General provisions on the formation of family law in the Netherlands initially (in 1838) had a significant impact French civil code, so one of the basic principles of Dutch family law was the division of between religion and state. Considered valid only those marriages that are under civil law (Art. 1:30). April 1, 2001 Dutch law sections devoted to marriage, have undergone changes, and from that date, the right to marry have two persons (heterosexual, lesbian or homosexual). In almost all respects the legal provisions are similar to same-sex marriage provisions on marriage between a man and a woman, but the first will not have any rights with respect to the consequences of adoption of the child in case the child was born with a lesbian couple. Another difference between heterosexual and homosexual marriages is that the international rights of same-sex families differ from those of the family, consisting of men and women. A man or woman may marry in the Netherlands – Holland only one person. The rules of marriage in the Netherlands – Netherlands also apply to rules relating to registered partnership.

The age of consent for marriage for both men and women is in Netherlands – Holland 18 (Article 1:31, paragraph 1). An exception is provided for persons under the age of 16 who wish to marry, thus: if a woman can provide a medical confirmation of their pregnancy or if she already had a child (Article 1:31, paragraph 2). In all other cases (for example, if a married person wishes to enter another younger) permission to marry in the Netherlands – the Netherlands may be granted at the discretion of the Minister Justice, though, in practice, such permission is rarely granted (Article 1:31, paragraph 3).


Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

This concept is a very specific definition: "Democracy – a form of rule, which is done either through a direct democracy (direct democracy) or through representatives elected by the people or some part of the people (representative democracy). " On the other hand, in our world there is another definition of this concept – the so-called "liberal democracy". Liberal democracy requires not just majority rule and the rule of law on the basis of representative democracy in which the will of the majority and the ability of elected representatives to exercise power is limited in the name of protecting the rights and interests of different minorities, whether political, national, ethnic, social, cultural, and human rights, freedoms and interests of each individual. Richard Blumenthal recognizes the significance of this. Moreover, the rights and freedoms of the individual take precedence over the rights and interests of groups (Classes, ethnic groups, minorities, etc.), which belongs to or does not belong to this person '(on page PolitNauka). You may wish to learn more. If so, Sen. Sherrod Brown is the place to go. Among its founders were theoretical, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), John Locke (1632-1704) and Montesquieu (1689-1755). Assume that all it is, and when we say 'democracy', we mean the two. However, there is the 'American-style democracy'.

But more about that later. Immediately begs the question: "Why do people choose their rulers, be sure to make the best choice? ". I would like to quote "'Dinner and a few thoughts,'" by Guy de Mopacsana: "… popular vote is meaningless … you probably agree with me that men of genius rare, is not it? But let's be generous and say that in France, they now have five people.

Add, with the same generosity, two hundred highly talented people, a thousand others, too talented, each in his field, and ten thousand people one way or another outstanding. Here's a general staff of eleven thousand two hundred and five minds. Followed by the army of mediocrities followed by the entire mass of fools.

Moscow Reconstruction

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Ownership the unauthorized structure can not be considered for these parties if conservation construction violates the rights and lawful interests of others or endanger the life or health of citizens. RF Code of Administrative Offences of Art. 9.5 establishes administrative liability for violation of the construction of a fine. Our company deals not only with registration of licenses for construction, but also helps in getting building permits outside Moscow suburban real estate and real estate in Moscow. We can help you obtain a permit and a license to build a fairly short period of time. Permission for the construction of suburban – a document certifying the right of the owner, the owner, occupant or user of the property to carry out land development, construction, reconstruction, building, construction and facilities landscaping. Construction of cottages, country homes, rehabilitation facilities, as well as their repair, if you hold it addresses structural and other characteristics of reliability and safety of such installations is carried out under a building permit.

A construction permit is issued in the Moscow region by the local government (head of district administration). Permission to Construction shall take effect from the date of its receipt and shall be issued for no more than 3 years. A construction permit may be renewed upon application of the customer. The procedure and the period of extension of the permit for construction shall be established by local governments. Construction permit is issued in two copies. One copy is given developer. The second copy is stored in the archives of the local government. We draw your attention to the fact that not all cases require a building permit. In accordance with paragraph 17 of Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code, the issuance of a building permit is not required if: 1) construction of a garage on land provided by the individual, or construction on the land, provided for the conduct of gardening, holiday farms, and 2) construction, reconstruction, not which are the objects of capital construction (kiosks, canopies, etc.), and 3) building on a plot of the auxiliary buildings and structures used, and 4) changes in capital construction and (or) parts thereof, if such changes do not affect the structural and other characteristics of their reliability and safety, do not violate the rights of third parties and do not exceed the permitted limit options for construction, reconstruction, existing town planning regulations, 5) other cases, if in accordance with this Code, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the town planning permit for construction is required.