Basic Ensino Pupils

The reading does not have to be looked at as a mechanical act to repeat letters, words and phrases, where the pupils had only decorated the linguistic symbols without understanding its meanings, being that much of the professors does not understand that the reading is a process of decipher and decoding that involves diverse factors. According to Blacksmith (1998), a series of sensorial, emotional, intellectual, physiological, neurological aspects exists that they involve the acquisition of the reading that must be worked making with that the child successfully surpasses the process of reading and writing. So that the individual evolves and assimilates the new knowledge in the reading process, writing, interpretation and literal production are necessary that the practical professor has meant so that facilitates the development of the pupils that inside of this prism is an essentially active being. However, what if it can notice is that this process comes being developed of form maken a mistake for many educators who pass over the difficulties of pupils, without promoting ways to surpass them. Unhappyly he is being common, in many public institutions pupils to arrive at the end of Basic Ensino I without knowing to read, to write, to form syllables/words, with difficulties in making interpretations of a small text read, favoring the failure and taking many times until the pertaining to school evasion. Many of the difficulties of the pupils are related with the way with that the professors, come working in classroom, he disciplines as it of Portuguese Language comes being developed in elapsing of the school year.

This problematic relative to the failure of the reading and writing historically it is constituted throughout the centuries in Brazil. As It hisses (2007), in accordance with the IBGE of the year of 2003, more has in Brazil 11.6% of illiterates considering people of fifteen years of age or. A reality that it deserves to be argued and to be debated the educational way.


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