MDB Senate

It also arrived to give examinations in the Military School of the Royal one, but never it concluded no university course. He was one of the organizadores of the UDN in its State. State deputy in 1954 chose itself. Frequently Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown has said that publicly. In 1960 he was elect lieutenant governor of Alagoas, in plate of General Lus Cavalcanti (1961-1966). In agreement still with the Vestibule of the Senate above described Teotnio Vilela it supported the movement of 31 of March of 1964 e, when if they had formed the two new parties, it was filiou National the Renovadora Alliance, broken situacionista. Victorious person in the lawsuit of 15 of November of 1966 for the Senate took ownership in February of 1967. In its first speech he criticized the new regimen, already then in the governmental period of General Arthur of the Coast and Hisses. In 1974, with the ownership of President Ernesto Geisel, who brought for the Government the liberalizante project of a distenso ' ' slow, gradual and segura' ' , Teotnio Senator initiates public campaign for the redemocratizao of the Country.

According to Vestibule of the Senate in May of 1978, adhered to the National Front for the Redemocratizao, military movement that grouped, beyond the MDB, sectors grumblers and not conforming politicians of the Enclosure for bullfighting around the candidacy of General Euler Bentes Monteiro and Pablo Brossard, respectively for President and Vice-president of the Republic of Brazil. With the ownership of President Joo Figueiredo, initiate the call ' ' opening poltica' ' , the 25 of April of 1979, Teotnio Vilela, announcing that ' ' it was arriving where always esteve' ' , it left the Enclosure for bullfighting and it entered the MDB. Due to serious illness contracted in 1982 middle, Teotnio was disconnect of the parliamentary life. It assumed the vice-presidency of the PMDB, continuing its pregao in defense of the democracy.


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