Mediterranean Sea

Roads were filled with herds guided animals that went somewhere to graze in the mornings, the means of transport was in mules, donkeys and horses, young possessed to its fun much longer than today have. The goals of people, were simple, sites to visit, used to be or all not more than about ten kilometers. The beaches of the Mediterranean Sea were itself more distraction, and children as of today playing with balls that back then were rag. My beloved and well-remembered grandparents had a pronunciation of the place itself, a kind of dialect, employing that us children did not know what they were talking about. And her figure was respected by all those who in one way or another were younger than them, customary greeting, taking off hat, article that would be working hours, and during the afternoons and evenings, so exposed, was almost a symbol of good clothing. Life was quiet, in the courtyard of the houses most harvested vegetables, peppers, peppers, and many other things; in those days, there was no theft, unknown or public were at least not homicides, any visitor, was received with affection and offered him a glass of homemade wine, a biscuit and up a piece of cake or sponge cake family. It was a time that awoke the American dream, the old ones did the impossible to motivate their children to go to America, without giving greater importance to which of them you can go. Those who lived in villages they felt like mired in peace without much evolution.

It was a sentiment without big aspirations. And only with the arrival, with the return of any other of America is you could see the big difference, because these boasting of his accomplishments, let run your money as if they were unlimited, and with the help of their own relatives, jets This work in the echo generated increased and doubled in the minds of people, dreaming of gold, now to calm villagers of my small town and other latitudes, was easy. My parents Giovanny Greco and Nunciata, gave continuity to the family business, there were very hard years, there is no forgetting that if war was traumatic the second left across Europe in the most cruel that ruin, millions of beings who paid with the tribute of their lives, the alienation of politicians and leaders who don’t deserve the honor of being named.

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