Ministerial Council

Be reiterated willingness to cooperate of solidarity in the search for solutions, from and for the developing countries, taking into account special and differential treatment that they deserve more vulnerable economies and the impact that has this crisis on the most disadvantaged populations. It stressed the need for the establishment of a new international economic order that is based on the principles of Justice and solidarity, and a profound restructuring of the current international financial architecture. Welcomed the implementation underway projects: Cultural background of Alba; Grannacional of power, Gas and petroleum company and the creation of a central regulatory which develop sanitary registration of the ALBA (Albamed). All these projects are receiving same today the allocation of resources by the Alba Bank. It gave instructions to the Ministerial Council of the ALBA TCP, so that through the Executive Board of the Bank of the Alba promotes the establishment of a mechanism for cooperation technical – institutional with the Venezuelan Iranian Bank.

He also instructed the Bank of Alba to establish contacts with the Bank of development of the Organization for the economic cooperation of the Central Asia, with the aim of promoting a mechanism of cooperation among both institutional technical. Reiterated the willingness to join efforts for the construction of a monetary and financial system robust and fair, ruled by mechanisms for transparent and open decision-making that privilege the participation of all States in conditions of equality, independent of neoliberal patterns and the international model prevailing since the end of the second world war, whose very nature is co-responsible for the current imbalances. Presidents and heads of State of the members of the Alba countries signed the agreement under the unique system of compensation payment for the creation of a common currency, the Sucre. This initiative marks a new story. The Presidents of the ALBA TCP, solidarity with the effort of the Government and the Haitian people, agreed to allocate five million U.S.

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