Multiple Intelligences

This involves the knowledge of the internal aspects of each one, as the knowledge of the feelings, the intensity of the emotional answers, the auto-reflection and an advanced sense of intuition. Without many you doubt in the taking of decisions. ‘ ‘ It acts with the reason and not with emoo’ ‘. The philosophers, council members spirituals, nurses, psychologists and researchers of standards possess intrapessoal intelligence of cognio.(1) What we finish to see had been definitions of the seven intelligences, based on the theory of Gardner. Today we can observe other theories on multiple intelligence in periodic available articles in online, as example the naturalstica intelligence, that is the capacity of the individual if to relate with the nature.

The pictorial or pictogrfica intelligence, that is the ability for the drawing. OBJECTIVE? To know the theories of multiple intelligences described for Dr. Haward Gardner. To demonstrate to the vision proposal for it. To characterize the trends of the individuals in its context. JUSTIFICATION In this study, intended – to know the theories, going deep themselves the described content for Gardner on multiple intelligences. The knowledge and the deepening of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences if make necessary for the understanding of the individual in the context where it meets. Such content is interesting for the professor, therefore it will be able to better evaluate the capacity of the apprentice for determined functions, being able direcion? lo for that probably it will have better results.

METHODOLOGY the used methodology was based on the bibliographical exploration of the theoretical contents on the concepts of intelligence and its theories. The virtual quantity of Bireme in the period of 26 of March of 2010 the 29 of March of 2010 was consulted. For the attainment of searched articles had been used the following words? key: Theory; Intelligence; Gardner. RESULT AND QUARREL the explored content was analyzed of the point of view of the researchers as professors of the area of the health, being considered necessary for the practical one of the docncia in health. The fact to have more theories, not only two, to be worked facilitates to the work of the professor in the qualification of its pupils, becoming easy the aiming of the same for determined performance areas. It also improves the relationship and convivncia between individuals of the same group for the best understanding of its abilities and greater easiness to work with the difficulties of each one, a time that the professor has greater capacity analytical, therefore it will work with new concepts in evaluation. It considers? if the accomplishment of new studies of field in the area of the docncia in health, a time that has few studies on the subject of the Theories of applied Multiple Intelligence to theoretical education? practical of the processes for the health.


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