Nord Stream AG: BOARD Thanks To The Supply Chain Firmly In The Handle

Nord Stream is a gas with BOARDs BI and the preparations for the pipeline project in full swing which is Nord Stream AG are CPM Toolkit a consortium of OAO Gazprom, BASF/Wintershall Holding AG, E.ON Ruhrgas AG and N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie. The new Nord Stream pipeline, which will go into operation in 2011, will connect directly Russia and the EU through the Baltic Sea, to transport natural gas to the energy supply companies and private households. For the long-term guarantee of European security of energy supply, the Nord Stream pipeline occupies a key role: through it annually up to 55 billion cubic meters of gas can be transported, which purely mathematically more than 25 million homes can be supplied with energy. The plans for the pipeline, consisting of two each 1,220 km long parallel strands, are already in full swing. To the laying, roughly 100,000 pipe segments aboard a special ship are welded and finally dropped onto the sea floor. Due to the complex approach each Pipe weighs about 20 tons and has several layers of coatings provided, it is clear that production bottlenecks and failures would lead not only to a time delay, but also enormous costs. Order at any time of the project to ensure that the appropriate amount of pipes at the right place available, Nord Stream complies with a sophisticated logistics concept.

This is supported by the BOARD in the area of supply chain management: pipe suppliers provide Nord Stream information to its tube production as, for example, produced product per day and share Committee. Dr. Werner Rott, Deputy Technical Director, Nord Stream AG: BOARD gives the exact overview of all supply chain activities of us with a single application. This helps us to ensure the scheduled construction of the pipeline and to anticipate potential delays and to avoid. Already a single day would to immense loss of production for a project of this magnitude result in additional costs.” From the information provided, then specific reports can be created in BOARD, which are updated daily, and therefore meets the demands of Nord Stream AG real time evaluation and utmost topicality. Thanks to BOARDs programming free toolkit approach, the appropriate applications have been implemented in a very short time. This cost/benefit ratio was one of the reasons why the decision by Nord Stream on BOARD.

Also includes compliance with the strictly stipulated time frame of such a large project is best supported with BOARD: Elimination of the programming effort requires a significant time savings, the intuitive handling guarantees the user to learn fast. Also in the area of controlling BOARD should be used. Using a plan actual comparison, to determine whether the objectives have been reached. This is the way to ensure that deviations are detected at an early stage of plan requirements. Existing discrepancies are analyzed and evaluated precisely and North Stream can quickly respond and counteract. On BOARD Germany BOARD Germany, leader in business intelligence (BI) and corporate performance management (CPM) software toolkit, extended his long list of well-known customers: new on BOARD is the North stream AG. Aim of the company is the North with the construction and operation of stream pipeline to contribute to reliable gas supply in Europe. With an estimated investment of 7.4 billion euros, this pipeline project represents one of the largest private investments in European infrastructure. In the areas of supply chain management and monitoring in the construction of the pipeline, the company in the future relies on the programming free controlling and planning solution by BOARD.

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