Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’


Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

The Alliance is already focused on planning the transition after the fall of Gaddafi, that provide for safe, although not put date. In addition, they will study get a resolution that would allow in the future deploy troops in the future to ensure the democratization of Libya. Chacon will propose an indefinite extension of the Spanish military mission. NATO will continue its operations in Libya during all the time that is necessary to achieve its military objectives, although it considers that it is time to plan the era post-Gaddafi with an important role of the UN. Senator Brian Schatz may not feel the same. Dnsa Ministers allies, meeting in Brussels, agreed on Wednesday that will keep the pressure everything what is necessary, said the Secretary general of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in press conference, where he said that Gaddafi is history Dnsa holders held a meeting which analyses the operation guard unified in Libya and the Alliance internal restructuring. Rasmussen said that the allies have made clear advances since the military operation began in March, have prevented a massacre in Benghazi, have slowed the siege to Misrata and have significantly reduced the military forces of Colonel Gadafi capacity, although, he warned, are still a threat.

In this context, the Ministers ratified the decision to extend another 90 days operation in Libya from June 27 and stressed its commitment to the mission, including the provision of military capabilities needed to continue with the intervention and to finish it, said Rasmussen. The general Secretary stressed that NATO has the capabilities necessary to continue his mission, although he acknowledged that he would like a more flexible use of military assets contributed by countries. In this line, it appealed to other allied countries expand their support, in order to ensure the sustainability of the mission. Libya without Qaddafi Dnsa holders agreed, moreover, that the time has come plan the day after the conflict.

European Parliament

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Coli outbreak that affects Germany. In Spain there has been no case of infection by this bacterium. Has it identified the companies involved? It’s two companies Spanish producers of cucumbers and a Dutch who might be implicated in the e. Coli outbreak. Network alert community food (RASFF) has communicated this fact to the Spanish Agency for food safety and nutrition which, in turn, has become known to the Junta de Andalucia, where these companies lie. Given this fact, the Board has already initiated proceedings with the undertakings concerned and appropriate measures have been taken to not to commercialize the involved batches of the product. The Ministry of health has stressed that although cucumbers are of Spanish production, it is necessary further research in order to find out throughout the entire chain in which phase has produced bacterial contamination. How it affects to Spanish exports? At the moment, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Russia and the Czech Republic have already withdrawn Spanish vegetables in their respective markets, with all the losses that this means for Spanish exports in this sector in Europe.

The Spanish fruit and vegetable sector predicts that the health alert caused in Germany can cause damage billionaires and cascading in this market, which made exports amounting to around 200 million euros a week. On the other hand, the State Secretary of Rural Environment and water, Josep Puxeu, claimed Sunday that the confusing information, assumptions, suggestions and from speculations of Germany have already caused great damage to agriculture and agri-food Spanish, which exports each year more than 10 billion euros in turnover. Spain is the top exporter of cucumber to the country German, with 450 million kilograms per year. That is why representatives of Asaja, COAG, UPA, agri-food cooperatives and Fepex consider that the German authorities should be rectified to restore the confidence of foreign markets and offset Spanish producers for damage caused. What is the Protocol to be followed before an alert food? Legislation adopted by the EU on food safety imposes on economic operators the general obligation to market only food that is safe.

According to article 50 of the Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002, the alert food surge in those circumstances where there is a risk to life or health. The basic principle of acting in the case that there is scientific uncertainty is prevention. Therefore this document sees the networking of laboratories of quality, at regional and/or interregional level, essential to perform continuous monitoring of food security when it comes to prevention of potential risks to the health of citizens. The food traceability system is fundamental for concer the origin of the food that is marketed. Hence other mechanisms that enhance food safety is through a comprehensive system of traceability within food companies so that, in the case of an alert as a from the cucumbers, you can proceed to withdraw this product in specific and precise amounts, or to inform a consumers or to officials responsible for the scrutiny.

National Council

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

The force of Catalonia in CiU Madrid focus his campaign on the equidistance between PP and PSOE and using another of their recurring arguments: that is the only party that has sufficient strength to dnder the interests of Catalonia in Madrid: the popular wish to introduce how next to Rajoy as next to Zapatero and the other CiU. Fortunately, neither the one nor the other are right, he has remembered this Friday last in its carta-web to the militancy of UDC. Another big bet of the nationalist Federation is negotiating with the next Government, the PSOE or PP, an economic agreement for Cataluna. Ray Dalio shines more light on the discussion. Among the unknowns of the elections, is whether cutbacks in social services can take its toll to CiU, which did not happen in the municipal of two months ago in which the Federation conquered for the first time Socialist fiefs hitherto impregnable, as the Barcelona Provincial Council or councils of Barcelona and Girona. The incognito of the ERC Republicans maintained its forecast to choose its candidate for the general elections on September 3 in National Council, September 17 you will choose their leader through primary and on the first weekend of week, will make its Congress.

The main unknown factor in Republicans is who will be their candidate: WINS adherents the option that Joan Ridao cease to be so, and among the names being considered to replace him, Ferran Requejo Professor and writer Alfred Bosch. Rep. Charles B. Rangel does not necessarily agree. In fact, also has a similar profile (of an intellectual marked sovereign profile and away from partisan battles) Oriol Junqueras, which starts as favorite in primaries to lead ERC, process that the Party aims to end internal tensions and electoral debacle that began in the latest General, when ERC spent eight members in 2004 to three. Expansion of the catalan PP the PPC should choose candidate, responsibility in 2004 and 2008 Dolors Nadal, ranked and its main challenge is to be the surprise of the elections, once in the Catalan you would record with 18 deputies and in the municipal conquered for the first time large municipalities such as Castelldls and Badalona, which hoped to present itself as a party of Government in Catalonia. The disenchanted by his party, ICV-EUiA will be presented with will capture of left-wing voters disenchanted with the right turn which has made the PSOE with their policies against the crisis, and its leader, Joan Herrera, has already confirmed that they will elect its candidate by primary. Initiative reeditara his coalition with EUiA, l of IU in Catalonia, aside that there is agreement across the State between United Left and ecologist parties. Source of the news: the electoral advancement requires Catalan parties to activate its machinery this summer

Advisory Council

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Keeps seat in Les Corts, which Alberto Fabra has left free. The former Presidents can enter a part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC). Camps resigned from his post as President of the Generalitat on July 20. The expresident of the Valencian Generalitat, Francisco Camps and ntrara to form part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC), as envisaged in the Statute of former Presidents, and although it will maintain the minutes of regional Deputy, will waive the salary that Les Corts Valencianes cobra. So sources close to Camps, who has already applied for membership in this consultative body as a permanent member, without time limit and with annuities functions, have confirmed that allowing you to act with voice but no vote in the Consell Juridic out. The CJC members are subject to the incompatibilities regime established in general terms for senior members of the Administration, so that Camps can keep his seat in Les Corts Valencianes, something that will, according to the same sources. Francisco Camps now occupies the I bench that Alberto Fabra left vacant to be appointed president of the Generalitat and occupy the first Chair of the blue base, and sits in the third row, between the mayors of Valencia and Alicante, Rita Barbera and Sonia Castedo, respectively. Camps resigned from the post of president of the Generalitat on July 20, five days after the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Comunitat (TSJCV) decide to open trial against him for the so-called sake of costumes of the Gurtel case. Source of the news: Franciso Camps will enter into the Advisory Council and will forego the pay of Deputy

Republican John Boehner

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

There are many crises which can not be foreseen, but the solution is in our hands, said the U.S. President. The Republican plan proposes a cut in the expenditure of nearly a trillion dollars in the next ten years and would raise the debt ceiling. Obama and Democrats demand an agreement with cuts of 2.2 billion. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, urged delegates to reach a bipartisan compromise on the debt as a solution to avoid the suspension of payments before the deadline of August 2 this Friday. There are many ways out of this mess, but is barely time left us () is the moment of commitment, said Obama in a televised speech, after last night stay blocked the vote in the Congress of a plan to raise the debt ceiling. There are many crises which can not be foreseen, but the solution is in our hands, said the U.S. President.

Despite the call from Obama, there seems no output immediate debt crisis since the President of the House of representatives, Republican John Boehner, announced its intention to tweak their plan, rejected this Thursday in the absence of support from the Tea Party, to put it again to the vote this Friday. The U.S. President said the Boehner plan is not a solution, since it is a proposal that the Senate’s Democratic majority, will not go and make us relive this debate in a few months. The Republican plan proposes a cut in the expenditure of nearly a trillion dollars in the next ten years and would raise debt, currently at $ 14.3 trillion ceiling, until the end of this year but would force a new vote at the beginning of 2012. Obama and Democrats demand a broader agreement, which includes cuts of $ 2.2 billion over the next decade, and in return would increase the debt ceiling until 2013. Obama stressed Friday that the distance between both plans is not so big He urged members of Congress to find points in common. Finally, remarked: despite all the intrigue and drama that is taking place in the Capitol now, I trust that common sense and cool heads will be imposed. The United States Treasury has reiterated that on 2 August is the date on which the Government would be no funds to meet their obligations so, not to approve the stop rising, should decide who pays and who does not. Source of the news: Obama returns to ask Congress a “commitment” to avoid the suspension of payments