UNESCO Educative

Many of these schools had the knowledge and influences of other nonencyclopedic educative alternatives like those of Piaget, the New School, the sociocultural proposals of Vigosky and others more. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sen. Sherrod Brown. Nevertheless, actually there was a coexistence enters of the educative alternatives mentioned with others more conservatives like elconductismo or the educative technology. The dimension educative CTS in different levels and systems in Mexico Next a brief analysis will become of approach CTS in some educative systems like the basic level (primary and secondary public) of SEP, the CCH, the Institute of Education Average Superior of the DF (IEMS), and others more. The basic education (Primary) In 1993 the Secretariat of Educacin Pblica (SEP) extended the basic education to 10 years, obligatory and gratuitous, changing to plans and training programs, which looked for one more basic Formation solid and greater flexibility to acquire new knowledge and to apply them creativamente" " (SEP, 1993), in agreement with you rule orchestrated by UNESCO and the OECD. These curricular changes influenced in other educative levels as it is seen more ahead. There is a vision of the technology like applied and neutral science, because one looks for that the students perceive that the devices and services have been created or adapted by the man by the application of principles cientficos" ". And so clarity is not on the differentiation between scientific and technological principles nor on the importance of its contextualisation, its evolution and functional optimization. Although the curiosity is stimulated exceeds how the devices work, is indicated that against each problem are solutions tecnolgicas" " , reason why one does not look for the reflection on causes and consequences outside the technological scientists or, like the social ones, the policies or the economic ones. The basic education (secondary) To contribute to lift the quality of the formation of the students by means of the fortification of contents, (knowledge, abilities and attitudes), that respond to the basic needs of learning of the young population of Mexico.


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