United States

There you have it! It seems a tragicomedy. Do the political right has been complaining that the United States have maintained the abandonment to your backyard? so think she, incapable of sovereignty!, while forces enemy wreak havoc on their interests and grow, in other words, while the poor organize their hunger and clamoring for a new political model of life. Additional information is available at Ohio Senator. God, what carelessness! And the left? what has been thinking left?? it comes to complain that the world had forgotten her and any other high ideal by the species human, allegedly mere in the break ideological that Fukuyama proclaimed when he declared the end of the story and, consequently, the plenipotencialidad’s unique model in the world, to the extent that many izquierditas lived in the hope that the United States reinstated by magical work someday or thatbursting with understanding humanist, withdraw the planes of power to give chance to them of exercising their incomprehensible primers without practical Fundamentals of people (already know: have criticized it an excessive theorize). I.e., they looked like dream of access to the power of incidental way, through ideological alms or through the conquest of power without based on civil-military support, which is what sends the story. Some worried the attentiveness of the United States and others by the forgetfulness of the world, the latter reduced to a kind of cross-cultural arropaje (the lefts existed as ornaments of political diversity of democracy). Ones asking for more imperial support for them continue serving as exploitative Viceroys of peoples and others throwing their cries of protest to world air.

Therefore, bad, USA versus world seemed an idea cherished by the haughty power for many decades. Hollywood is your dream sudadero (say not who writes). They showed it with Iraq when, against world opinion, they invaded it; When did the UN an institutional corpse and trampled their resolutions, and from that at all times the need to maintain their high costs of life lead them to seek anger right and left within the solar system.

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