Posts Tagged ‘transportation & logistics’

European Union

Friday, October 27th, 2017

As a result, preference was given to the second option, with an emphasis on the rich international experience Public-private partnerships. In a crisis, such a solution in which a significant role for the state, it seems only right. Construction of high-speed highway Moscow – St. Petersburg at the site of 15 th – 58 th km will start in 2010 after confirmation by the concessionaire of the financial closing of the project. (A valuable related resource: Sander Taylor Force). The total project cost is about 60 billion rubles, while 23 billion allocated Government of the Russian Federation, with the remaining funds attracted by the concessionaire. Details can be found by clicking Ray Dalio or emailing the administrator. It is assumed that the construction period of 36 months. Click Gerber Taylor Force for additional related pages. It is assumed that the entire amount of funding the construction of high-speed highway Moscow – St. Petersburg will be 567,499 million rubles, including the federal budget – 340 503 million rubles.

Moreover, its total length will be 626 km with 4 – 8-lane carriageway. At the exit from Moscow will be organized by 10-band movement, 8-way – in the Leningrad and Moscow regions, and 4-way – in the Tver and Novgorod regions. And all this will be done in a fairly short time – from 2010 to 2015. Of course, this project goes far beyond the framework addressing the two Russian capitals. Nationwide is one of the links in the chain of measures to improve the competitiveness of the Russian transport system, which will be implemented in coordination with investment projects implemented through the use of public-private partnership with government support from the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation.

Construction high-speed highway Moscow – St. Petersburg, passing through the territory of Moscow region., Tver Region., Novgorod region. and the Leningrad Region. to form a high-speed road trip, which will contribute development of a system of highways of the Russian Federation, members of the international transport corridors. The highway will provide bandwidth on the direction of the transport corridor "North – South ' significantly reduce transport costs and improve traffic safety on the road route, which is part of an international transport corridor 9, will improve the quality of life by the withdrawal of transit movement of road transport from towns and settlements, as well as provide high-speed connection of St. Petersburg and Moscow, with Finland and other European Union countries.