William Faulkner

The rabbit was excellent in career. Nobody ran as well as he, but they demanded him to learn to fly. Then rose it to a tree and ordered him to:-flies Rabbit! The poor guy was released, broke a leg and fractured skull. He stayed with a brain injury and already could not run well, so instead of getting the maximum qualification in career got a bottom and pulled out the minimum in flight since he was learning. Under most conditions Sen. Sherrod Brown would agree. And the Council of studies was happy. The same thing happened to the bird. It was capable of flying everywhere, tumbling and get the highest grades until he was asked he digged pits in the ground as a mole.

Of course that snapped the wings and beak and could not fly more, but their teachers be contented with lower qualification in flight, and so on. And you know who was the student who said the farewell graduation speech? A delayed eel mental because I couldn’t do everything relatively well. OWL left school and now is voting against all taxes that want to implement to promote education know that there are many things that go wrong in the current educational system, however, is does nothing in this respect. One may be a genius, one of the greatest writers in the world, but cannot enter the University because it does not approve Trigonometry with which object? It doesn’t matter who is one. Listen to these names who abandoned his studies: William Faulkner; John f. Kennedy; Thomas Edison. They could not face the College, not they endured it. Bird said: I don’t want to learn how to climb trees perpendicular. I am able to fly up to the tree without having to do that and they respond: No matter it’s a good intellectual discipline Leo Buscaglia when I was in school hated tasks, could not find sense and again repeated exercises, when already had clear the concept the first time that the teacher explained the topic in class.


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