Archive for March, 2018

Conflict Culture

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Another barrier against mergers and acquisitions, make numerous mergers, tends to failure or show sign of this, being the main cause the conflict between cultures. ORGANIZATIONAL culture classification the multidimensional nature of organizational culture influences the existence of several classifications: Ansoff typifies the culture, consistent with the organizational evolution in (14): stable culture: focusing on the past, looking for precedents on which based future actions. It is conservative, not accepting change and is adverse to risk, his motto is: do not disturb the calm or not jiggle the pot. Reactive culture: Focusing on the present, seeks the fundamentals of possible alterations in the past. Accepts minimum changes. Their motto is: be prepared for everything. Foresight culture: accepting the change when it means a trajectory similar to the led to the present. Further details can be found at Richard Blumenthal, an internet resource. Focuses on the future, but his future actions based on extrapolations.

Exploratory culture: Accepts the risk provided that an appropriate relationship at risk gain. Search for change, accepting the rupture. Creative culture: Looking for changes, involving new situations and shows preference for non-current risks. Its main motto is: inventing the future – exploratory culture and the creative are cultures of strategic management. Gonzalez and Bellino, classified it, depending on the emphasis that gives to the elements following: power, role, tasks and people (15). Culture of power; directed and controlled from a center of power exercised by key individuals within organizations. Culture of the role; identified with bureaucracy, supported by a clear and detailed description of the responsibilities of each position. Culture by task; supported at work project that the organization performs and is geared towards specific results in specific time. The person’s culture; based on the individuals who make up the organization. Other studies typify the culture of as follows (9): dominant culture; the core values are shared by the majority of the members of the organization.

India Colleges

Monday, March 12th, 2018 the Foundation Announces 10 scholarships to study with other young people from 80 countries. Author: the source for more info. About 40,000 students in the world, 400 Spaniards, have lived the experience. The call will remain open until January 31, 2013. The aid will allow two pre-university education courses. The Foundation Committee Spanish of of the United World Colleges (United World Colleges UWC) convenes 10 seats with scholarship and many others pay to study the international baccalaureate in any of the 12 centres that has spread over four continents. Students who finally achieved one of these squares will have the opportunity to study and live for two years with other young people from between 80 and 100 countries. Seats will be awarded according to merit, potential, creativity and social commitment of the candidates.

In recent years, Spain has established itself as the number one country in received requests to access the United World colleges. The aid, valued at 47,500 euros each, allow to make the two courses of pre-university education in Canada, United States, Costa Rica, Singapore, China, India, Norway, Swaziland, United Kingdom or Italy. Requirements for applying for one of the seats need to be studying 4 ESO or 1 year of high school, have been born in the years 1996 or 1997, be Spanish or resident in Spain in the last eight years with the nationality pending, have a good academic record and basic knowledge of English. The application form can be downloaded directly on the website and the term will end January 31, 2013. Those boys and girls who do not comply with the requirement of nationality can apply for the scholarship through the National Committee of the United World Colleges of their country of origin. When selecting candidates, the Committee appreciates, in addition to the notes, potential students and other no less important issues such as his involvement in the problems of the community in which you live, if you develop any creative activity or if they practice some sport. Selection process About 50 students, who must develop a social project will be chosen in the preselection.

The selection process will take place in Madrid. Students will have to pass a written test, an interview, a psychological test and exposure of the social project which the student has previously prepared. Half of the students will go to the final phase, which will consist of a group dynamic and another personal interview. Obligations of grantees during their stay in the United World Colleges, these students must devote at least two hours a week to a creative activity; at least two others to the practice of sports, and between three and six hours to the Community assistance programmes. In the latter case, we can examples include teaching English classes to women disadvantaged in La India, collaborate with the service of the United Kingdom coastguard or help in the conservation of a reserve marina in Canada. See more: open request for international baccalaureate at United World Colleges Scholarship

Halloween Graduation

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

If, again, for your figure has flaws, and after many trying, no dress is not "sitting" as it should, talk to us and our experts can advise you on the appropriate style. Not to be confused with a graduation ceremony awarding Oscars, the wedding ceremony or celebration of Halloween Graduation – an excellent opportunity for imagination and expression with a unique dress. But when a young girl dressed as the court of Peter I, or as Scarlett in the film adaptation of the novel "Gone With the Wind," it looks unnatural. The other extreme – extreme bleakness of the body. This is especially true of school proms. A woman or girl of any age has its pleasures, which are unique to this period of time.

And that they should emphasize. In this case, in the first place – it youth. Prom dress regardless of its length and width should look very easy and natural. The most simple silhouettes and light fabrics for maximum ease of movement. The taste and color … The same applies to colors when choosing prom dresses. It is better to use spring colors: shades of light green, pink, beige, lilac, orange, blue.

Black – it's not a universal way out. This is a very demanding and artsy color for the dress. With a radical red, too, need to be extremely cautious. It all depends on style and "brightness" girls. Very good move for graduates – color dress. Here the mass variation and more likely to look unique. If two (sometimes more) girls come to the prom in a completely different dresses, but they will all be the same color and monochrome, they will just blend into the crowd. Your prom dress – your character is not costs, as well forget about the emotional side of your outfit. Even in everyday life all dressed differently, depending on temperament. More modestly, or openly, defiantly, or soft. If you are active in the life, Wear bright clothing and sit half-hour on-site to a problem, in a plain pale dress you hardly know at the prom. Alternatively, if you are living a calm and patience – your horse, in eccentric colors Evening gowns may be uncomfortable. So, make findings and successful you choose!

Day Musical

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

Being on the other hand she is necessary to respect the creative process was understood as to leave to make which &#039 wants thing (; ' the valley tudismo' ' , as const6uma to say Koellreutter), without the true orientation, systematization and, consequently without magnifyings of the repertoire and the expressive possibilities; on the other hand, to integrate diverse way of musical accomplishment started to scare the educators, whom they preferred, then not to continue reproducing the same models, that they preferred, then, to continue reproducing models, strategies, techniques and procedures, that, in general way, had excluded the creation. The author tells that a teacher said ' ' we need to assay the music of the Day Of the Mes' ' , it spoke worried more in fulfilling its calendar of events of what to make music with the children. Therefore, it is sad to perceive that to explore possibilities of vocal, corporal or instrumental expression and to search, to invent, to listen to and to think the musical language she goes second been of plain or until she can is in no plan. Nowadays, while the infantile education, in a general way, redimensionou concepts, boardings and ways of performance, she goes up the pedagogical accomplishment of new research and theories; we perceive that the musical language the curricular referencial for the infantile education Brazil very advances the slow steps to a route of the conceptual transformation (1998) affirms that music must be understood and be worked in two dimensions: as knowledge form and as language. Being that the knowledge form must provide the contact with the existing sounds of the world and with the musical productions how much in environment where the individual he is inserted, how much in unknown places. the language must aim at the development of the abilities of musical expressions and of sensitivity to listen, as well as favoring you respect it to the reflection of the musical productions and the capacity to produce musics in the individual According to Garci’a (200, p.12) is important to work music to leave to flow, the imagination, the intuition and the sensibilidades of the pupils, therefore, to thus will only be offered to the possibility of diversity of thoughts language them. You may find that Richard Blumenthal can contribute to your knowledge.

ACM Sarney

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

1,2 Constituent Antesda In 1987, one year previous to the constitution, served for adistribuio of concessions for the operation of radios and/or comandadaspor television Antnio Carlos Magalhes (ACM), minister of the communications to the time, and pelopresidente Jose Sarney. Sarney fought to strain its mandate for five anose was one of the boosters of the presidentialism in Brazil. Supported in the precarious regulation of the system decomunicao in the country, Sarney and ACM they had distributed 1028 grants for the operation deradiodifuso, concentrating 25% of these permissions in the month of September of 1988, previous month the promulgation of the constitution that occurred in 05 of October domesmo year. Intervozes (Idem, p.06) affirms despite of the 91constituintes presenteados with the concessions, 84 (92.3%) had voted the favor dopresidencialismo and 82 (90.1%) had voted in favor of the mandate of 5 years parapresidente. With the constitution, chapter V was created, that turns sobreo control in relation to the Social Communication, but the offered concessions already notiveram its debates revised, remaining the same owners until the days dehoje, with rare exceptions where concessions had moved of permissionrio. 1.3Surgimento of the FNDC Beyond congregating sectors that started to extend debatesobre democratization of the communication, the FNPC also was responsible pelosurgimento of the National Frum for the Democratization of Comunicao (FNDC), quesurgiu as movement and today she is one of the main entities in Latin America sobreo debate of public politics of communication 2. Since the creation of the front, the movements that fought pelademocratizao of the media would gain with passing of the new times allies, as Executiva National of the Students of Social Communication (Enecos), the FederaoInterestadual of the Workers in Broadcasting and Televiso (FITERT), the AssociaoNacional of the Artists and Technician in Espetculos (ANEATE), FederaoInterestadual of the Workers in Telecomunicaes (FITTEL), that the FNDC would establish noano of 1995, but that already de1991 acted as social movement since the year.

Paula Sheep

Saturday, March 10th, 2018

He is an outlaw. It does not fulfill lei' ' It bought votes and with this it demonstrated that not it gives? With certainty. But if it bought votes is because it had people that it vendeu and if it vendeu! together with its vote, vendeu its dignity and its right to complain! Who is useful ' ' vender' ' the vote, beyond so not giving, of being outlaw how much what ' ' comprou' ' , it does not have right of recamar against any banditry produced for who exerts some power. It does not have right to complain, nor that this against what complains, either made for another outlaw and that one for who the plaitiff if did not vendeu. To ' ' vender' ' the vote also vendeu its right to the voice! These lines, remembering ' ' Rotten Poderes' ' , not if they must only to the saudosista memory of a time where we fought the dictatorship. Time where to be against or speaking against, it implied in arrest danger.

Today it is a wonder. We can speak. We can, without fear, to point the imperfections of the dictators. Therefore it is that today we can speak of the rotten ones to be able that the city halls and its legislative peripherals had been installed in, in the state palaces and its legislative adjacencies and also in corridors of plateaus. Today, openly, we can speak of the rotten ones to be able that as many putrefatos are fed to the costs of the votes of others. But, as it went saying, our intention, here, is not the saudosista touch, nor to enaltecer ' ' democracia' '. Our intention is to speak of a law that gained the nickname of ' ' fiche limpa' '. Law whose intention was ' ' limpar' ' the candidacies.

To place in the electoral race only the ones that had not had its ' ' hands spotted for the dirt of corrupo' ' (back in the apocalypse if they had saved those that ' ' they had had its vestments washed for the blood of cordeiro' '). For the spirit of the law the ones would be eligible only that had not practised indecent acts, unprincipled people, illegal, illicit Of this form, in the dream of many of us, the honest ones would only concur. But who has money has to be able. Therefore the confusion festival of impugnation order; of the other side a torrent of appeals asking for the suspension of the impugnation. Shouts of the two sides. Ones applauding the law, thinking that it will solve the problem. Others condemning the law, for trying to hinder that outlaws if candidatem. The two sides are maken a mistake. The law intends to reach the candidate. But the candidates are not our problem. Our problem is the voters, therefore these are that they vote indistinctly. Therefore it is that, another time, we will see candidates outlaws being elect, although the law. for a simple reason: voters outlaws vote in candidates outlaws. Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ; ;

China’s Commercial Relations

Saturday, March 10th, 2018

China maintained great commercial relations with Libya de Gadafi. The rebels threatened cancelling projects if they continued supporting the dictator. Beijing has investments in the country for 18,000 million dollars. The Government of China finally recognized east Wednesday that the regime of colonel Muamar the Gadafi, with which it maintained intense relations commercial, is near the end, expressing its hope of which the North African country " &quot carries out a successful political transition;. " Quick China attention to the serious changes of the situation in Libya and respects the election done by the Libyan town " , it indicated in an official notice the spokesman of the Ministry of Outer Subjects Chinese Ma Zhaoxu At the same time, the spokesman of the Ministry of Chinese Commerce, Shen Danyang, indicated that to China " internacional&quot wants to play a positive role in the reconstruction of future Libya next to the community;. Source: Amazon. " We hope that Libya soon recovers the stability and that China develops to the commercial cooperation in all the aspectos" , it emphasized Shen in press conference.

The Chinese Government maintained good relations with the regime of Gadafi, especially in the petroliferous sector, and fears that the probable arrival of the rebels to the power harms to him. The preoccupations arose as a result of which this week the Libyan insurgents assured that they would cancel Chinese and Russian projects in the crude one of Libya by not to have supported these two Governments the rebellion against the 40 years of dictatorship of Gadafi. China has investments in Libya for 18,000 million dollars, projects in which worked 35,000 Chinese before being evacuated at the beginning the civil conflict in February. The Asian, member giant permanent from the Security Council of the United Nations, not only abstained in the voting that in March it approved an aerial exclusion zone in Libya but it condemned the later bombings against the regime of Gadafi. Nevertheless, months later it admitted to the rebels like " interlocutor vlido" in his relations with Libya, and he even invited in June his leader, Mahmud Jibril, that was received by the minister of Outer Subjects Chinese, Yang Jiechi. Monday, the Embassy of Libya in Beijing changed to the traditional green flag ligature to the regime of Gadafi by the tricolor of the Libyan rebels. Source of the news: Gadafi loses an historical ally, China: " We respect the election of the town libio"

The Acceptance

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

' ' Apesquisa of the exploratria type has as objective to provide maiorfamiliaridade with the problem, with sights to become it more explicit or to aconstruir hipteses' '. ADMINISTRATION AND MARKETING For many considered as one technique, for others as umacincia, the independent Marketing of this has operated miracles in diversassituaes, mainly in the companies. Taking in consideration that in seuescopo engloba questions as human behavior, economy, sociology, communication, research, product, planning and many other pertinent rotina of the company. Richard Blumenthal will not settle for partial explanations. (It hisses, 1992). The objective Marketing to satisfy the necessity of the customer eno to create new habits of consumption. To satisfy in order to awake yearnings queat then the consumer wise person not to exist, that is, means to generate demand, being able to observe the success if the customer only to get the maximum satisfaction. Related to the habits of purchase previously considered peloconsumidor marketing it means to generate more utility to the product.

One is about umacondio of exchange, in the relation to produce and to consume between companies and customers, after all nobody can leave losing. In this exactly Kotler reasoning (1983) defineMarketing as: ' ' A directed activity to satisfy necessities and desejoshumanos through the process of troca.' ' It means to say that with the satisfaction docliente the acceptance of the service occurs for consequence, by means of the purchase. So that the exchange relation occurs with success is necessary identificarqual the white public the one that if it desires to reach with definitive product or service. In order to identify to its main characteristics for direcionardeterminados products the specific customers. It means to segment the market, breaking up the similar ideas deatividades and profiles with characteristics and behaviors for alcancede a bigger success in the planning of determined objective. However aspesquisas of demand detroca is essential for the idealizao of a good relation and an adequate planning to the distinct characteristics and yearnings deperfis making possible bigger credibility of segmentation of the demand.

Candidacy Cost

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

In one concurred east press conference noon, burst to a great extent by the filtration of the great news yesterday in the evening, the mayor of Madrid, Alberto-Ruiz Gallardn, has confirmed who presents/displays the candidacy of the capital to the Olympic Games of 2020. Conscious of the reluctance of a society harassed by unemployment, the crisis and the debt, Gallardn there is underlining that the work carried out in both previous attempts allows that " the cost is not elevado". Without contributing an estimation of the cost, the regidor has insisted on which &quot will look for; support of the initiative privada" and it is had it jeopardize not to spend " nor a Euro in infraestructuras" until one knows if Madrid organizes appointment or no. The advantage, emphasized time and time again, is that " 80%" of the necessary thing it is done. Madrid will compete with Rome and Istambul, to which it is possible that Tokyo and Durban are added. Source of the news: : Gallardn sends a candidacy of low cost and with " apoyo" prevailed. Amazon takes a slightly different approach.

The Castro

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

There also there are elections but in these candidates only can participate who do not call to subvert the monopoly of the power of the official party. For the castrismo this is a socialist democracy. This, although the majority of the democracies multi-those in favor and a part of the orthodox Socialists questions its credentials. Sen. Sherrod Brown may also support this cause. For the first Cuba it has an autocracy because the population does not have right to vote by different parties that offer different programs or plans from government and the regime persecutes its opponents. For the seconds the revolution comes backing down towards the market and creating a new oligarchy that is increasing the inequalities, reason why these propose to desburocratizar and to internationalize the process. In Cuba the president has been decided in meetings of leaders of the Party and it has been authenticated in a National Assembly. This mechanism differs from the rest of American republics where the president is chosen by means of massive elections under universal and secret suffrage. Also he is not just like the one that Lenin proposed in the state and the revolution where it raised that the State would have to go away dissolving and that the leaders would have to be elect and revocable in basic assemblies. The Castro ones, nevertheless, defend their model arguing that in the rest of the hemisphere the Chiefs of State are hereditary monarchs or presidents who obey to dictatorship of the money ; that his leader has always had (during its 49 years in the power) great popular endorsement (that many democratic governors do not have ); that the place where human rights in their island are violated more is in Guantnamo where they accuse the USA to torture his prisoners; and that is required of certain monolitismo to avoid that the USA and his worms return to be from their island brothel of America.